1 1 Choose the most logical ending for each sentence.1 This jacket was a reala bargain; I only paid fifteen pounds for it. b sale; there were lots of cheap clothes.2 The book cost 12 pounds but I needed it, so I decided to ...a pay off part of my debt.b borrow a few pounds from a friend.3 The Wilsons are quite rich. They can easilya get a refund for things they bought.b give away some money to charity.4 You can take 15 pounds with you, but please, don'ta waste it all on sweets.b borrow it from other students.5 There were several books left after the sale. The bookstore...a took them back and got the refund.b donated them to a local primary school.  2 Listen to Erica talking about a day when she went shopping. Then decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F).1 Erica earned some money as a cook.2 She went shopping for clothes.3 Erica is not interested in popular brands.4 She bought a pair of high-heeled shoes.5 She didn't have enough of her own money to buy trainers. 3 Write the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use adverbs instead of the adjectives in bold and add necessary words.1 The delivery of the clothes was pretty quick. They delivered....2 My interest in the new products was similar to Jack's interest. Both Jack and I… in the new products.3 They closed the online shop, but they said it was only a temporary situation. The online shop...4 The company solved the problem. They did it in a professional manner. The company...5 How good are you at dancing? How ... dance? 4 Read the letter below. Make it more official by changing the sentences in bold into passive.Dear Mr Johnson,(1) The postman delivered your letter on September 24th. Thank you very much for your information.(2) We will use it to improve the quality of our service. I'm really sorry to hear that the laptop you bought from us is broken. However, (3) you cannot blame our company for this problem. If I understand correctly, (4) someone had dropped the laptop onto the ground before it stopped working. That means that we are not responsible for the damage. (5) Our technicians repair this kind of damage, but this is a paid service. If you are interested in this kind of support, let us know. Yours,James BrownMaxiLaptop LTD 5 5 Complete the questions (1-4) with the active or passive form of the verbs in brackets. Then, match them with the answers (a-d).1 Where... gunpowder… (invent)?2 Who… Emma Watson… (star) in the Harry Potter series?3 Where will the World Cup 2026… (hold)?4 When can a rainbow… (see) in the sky? a after the rainb in Chinac Hermione Grangerd in Canada, Mexico and the US 6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of have something done.1 Something's wrong with the engine of my car. I need to (it / check) at the garage.2 It's quite a recent photo of me. I (it / take) a month ago.3 Have you ever... (your hair / dye)? What did it look like?4 Every time we go on holidays, we (the plants / water) by our neighbour.5 During the conference tomorrow, we (a meal / serve) by a catering company.   7 Work with a partner. Student A wants to buy something in a clothing shop. Student B is a shop assistant. Include the following issues while talking:the size is wrongthe colour is wrongthe choice of patterns or stylesHello. Have you got these sweaters in blue?Only in light blue, nothing darker. What size are you?