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Elizabeth Sharman, Michael Duckworth



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Popularne zadania

Write the questions in reported form.1 Me to Jane:’Are you going to Glastonbury?’ I asked Jane2 Zoe to Emily:’What do you think about classical music?’3 Sophie to Ryan:’Why did you write that bad review?’4 Chris to Matthew:’Do you want to see Cirque de Soleil?’

Zadanie 4 Strona 85

Your English-speaking friend has started to miss classes at college and you’re worried about her/him. Complete the dialogue.You: 1 (raise the issue with your friend)Friend: I’m just really bored with studying. There’s no point to it. It makes more sense to look for a job and earn some money.You: 2 (politely disagree and explain why)Friend: I just don’t see it that way. I’m too old to be sitting in a classroom all day. Lots of my friends have already got jobs.You: 3 (express understanding, but clarify your opinion again)Friend:  You might be right,I suppose. But I feel so unhappy at college these days.You: 4 (give some advice)

Zadanie 7 Strona 39

Read the statements, look at the reporting verb and then tick (✓) the correct reported version:A or B. In one case both versions are possible.1 '1 don’t like the show, but I think it could be a success, said Helen.A Helen said that she didn’t like the show,but she thought it could be a success.B Helen said that she didn’t like the show,but she thought it could have been a success.2 'People’s tastes are different,l always say.A I always say that people’s tastes are different.B I always say that people’s tastes were different.3 'I’ve got tickets for the performance on Saturday, said Cathy.A Cathy said that she had tickets for the performance on Saturday.B Cathy said that she’s got tickets for the performance on Saturday.4 The critics are saying:’It’s a masterpiece’A The critics are saying that it was a masterpiece.B The critics are saying that it’s a masterpiece.5 'I wouldn’t go to a dance show if you paid me said George.A George said that he wouldn’t have gone to a dance show if you’d paid him.B George said that he wouldn’t go to a dance show if you paid him.

Zadanie 3 Strona 85

Add the five phrases in Ex 5a to the Phrasebook. – Raising a difficult topic1 Can I have a word with you, please?2 I hope you don’t mind my asking this, but…3… – Clarifying your point1 One thing I feel strongly about is…2…3…- Disagreeing politely1 I understand what you’re saying, but…2…3… 

Zadanie 6 Strona 39

ViSiON 4. Workbook

Rozwiązania zadań

Masz problem z odrobieniem pracy domowej? Na oferujemy rozwiązania zadań do ViSiON 4. Workbook przygotowane przez nauczyciela. Dzięki dostępowi do sprawdzonych odpowiedzi uczniowie mogą zaoszczędzić czas i skupić się na utrwalaniu wiedzy, zamiast tracić go na błędne próby rozwiązania. Zaoszczędzisz swój czas!

ViSiON 4. Workbook ćwiczenia

ViSiON 4. Workbook do klasy II liceum - odpowiedzi na wyciągnięcie ręki! Wybierz stronę i numer zadania, a pokaże Ci się odpowiedź z opracowanym wyjaśnieniem przez naszych ekspertów. Przejrzysty układ strony sprawia, że odnalezienie konkretnego zadania staje się proste i bezproblemowe.

ViSiON 4. Workbook sprawdzian

Praktyka czyni mistrza, a rozwiązania zadań z ViSiON 4. Workbook klasa II liceum pomogą Ci utrwalić materiał, który będzie na kartkówce lub sprawdzianie. Dzięki analizie rozwiązań krok po kroku uczniowie zyskują pewność siebie i lepsze zrozumienie materiału, co przekłada się na lepsze wyniki na sprawdzianach.

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