1  Complete the sentences with the pairs of words.confirm + scamdeleted + permissioninbox + attachedprofile + editstore + USB stickemails + filterinfected + backupssocial media + posting1 Some of my posts were… without my… 2 I can't believe how many... manage to get through my spam…3 He's very active on. . He's always… new updates and adding photos.4 I keep my... very private, and I often go back and… things I've written.5 This strange email just arrived in my… with a file… to it, so I deleted it.6 When they asked me to... my bank details, I started to think it must be a…7 I… all my documents in the cloud now rather than use a…8 I got a virus that… a lot of my files and I didn't have any…  2 Work in pairs. How do you think the things. in exercise 1 might happen? Why might people do some of them? 3 Look at the infographic and read the stories. Answer the questions.1 What mistake did each person make?2 What was the result of each mistake? 4 Read the texts. Complete the sentences with the correct names. You can use some names more than once.1 received something else than what he/she paid for. 2 received several emails from the same person.3 realised the problem after talking to a friend.4 responded quickly to avoid the problems that someone said had occurred.5 accepts the blame for what happened. 5 Make a list of the different ways you could protect yourself from the same kinds of online crimes that Laura, Bruno, Amelia and Janella encountered. Then work in pairs. Compare your lists.  6 Match the adjectives with the nouns they are used with in the stories on page 101.1 the normal 2 a second-hand 3 my personal 4 luxury5 common6 a distant7 official8 legala hotelsb relativec PlayStation d documents e feesf priceg senseh details 7 Work in groups. Look at the cybercrime graphs on page 101. Discuss the questions.1 Where does the data come from? Do you think this is a reliable source?2 What's the most common crime? Why do you think that is?3 Which age groups are least/most affected? Why do you think that is?4 Do you think the statistics would be different for your country? Why? Do you know where to find them?  8 Work in groups. Discuss the questions.1 Which of the mistakes do you think is the most/least serious? Why?2 Why do you think each person acted as they did? 3 What do you think each person did after realising their mistake? 9 Work in pairs. You've been asked to organise a workshop for the local senior club to show the older citizens threats related to the internet. Discuss the following aspects:necessary materials to preparemost common crimes among older citizensways to protect yourself from cybercrimereal-life examples