1 Look at the Grammar box. Which of the verbs can be followed by the -ing form? Which can be followed by the infinitive with to?admit, agree, arrange, can't stand, consider, decide, delay, enjoy, expect, finish, hope, intend, mind, miss, offer, plan, practise, promise, recommend, refuseVerb patterns (-ing or infinitive with to)When two verbs are used together, the second one often takes the -ing form or the infinitive with to.They attached documents that looked official and kept writing.Websites such as Kickstarter allow entrepreneurs to avoid selling part of their business to an investor.They needed to confirm my personal details.Over half of the campaigns on Kickstarter don't receive any funding because they fail to reach their set target.  2 Choose the correct options to complete the blog post.If you're anything like most people, you probably enjoy (1) posting / to post on social media. Maybe you hope (2) creating / to create a particular kind of image of yourself, or intend (3) showing/ to show others what good taste you have! You're probably not planning (4) providing / to provide information that could be used against you in the future, but every time you post online or 'like' something, you're agreeing (5) sharing / to share that personal information with the world! Most of us avoid (6) revealing / to reveal too much about ourselves face to face, but for some reason, we don't mind (7) doing / to do this online! Everything you decide (8) making / to make public on the internet helps to build a very detailed picture of who you are and what you believe – and we're failing (9) understanding/ to understand that this helps companies. guess your age, gender, education, political views... and much more! Of course, most social media companies refuse (10) guaranteeing/ to guarantee privacy for users. After all, we are their product. What they sell is the information we give them! Given this, I recommend (11) using / to use science to help us gain control over our data! Sites could warn us of the risks we are taking when we post certain kinds of information, for example. Failing that, of course, we could all just consider (12) posting/ to post less! 3 You've just signed in on a new social networking site. The system displays three photos of people you might want to add to your friend list. Look at the photos and decide which of those people would be the best candidate to be added as your friend. Justify your opinion. Say why you reject the other two. Then, answer the questions.1 What makes so many people write insulting and hateful comments on other people's profiles?2 Some people say that young people lose their communication skills by mostly using photos and emojis in their posts. Do you agree with that statement? Why?/Why not?