4 1 How much do you think you reveal about yourself on social media? What do you post online? Why? 2 What do you think social media sites do with the personal information they gather? How does this make you feel? 5 Complete the comments with the correct form of the verbs.be, feel, have, hear, post, protect, quit, spend Eric WongPosted 3 hours agoI can't stand (1) like everything I do online is being used by someone. Really, we should all promise (2) social media! The only reason we don't is because we're too scared we'd miss (3) from friends!Luisa HernandezPosted 2 weeks agoIf you use social media, you should expect (4) experiences. Why should companies offer (5)... our privacy? They already provide us with free services.Back to The FuturePosted a month agoThe secret of being happy is to practise (6) ... more patient! Delay (7) ... until you're sure you really want the world to have access to what you write – and arrange (8) ... as much time offline as you can! 6 Work in groups. Do you agree with each of the comments in exercise 5? Why?/Why not? 7 Write your own short response to the blog post in exercise 2. Include verbs from exercise 1. Discuss.  8 Verbs with two objectsSome verbs can be followed by two objects.The indirect object is usually a person and the second, direct object is usually a thing.Can you email me your essays, please?You can switch the positions of the direct and indirect object, adding to/for before the indirect object.You don't have to hand them to me in class.Look at the Grammar box. Complete the sentences so that they are true for you. Discuss.1 My parents always expected me…2 In a few years' time, I can see myself…3 If I could, I'd hire someone....4 We should do more to prevent people… 5 I can still remember begging my parents…   9  Look at the Grammar box. Choose correct pairs of objects in the box to complete the sentences. Use the objects in the same order as they are in the box, add to or for where necessary. a loan / a person under 20an IT club / studentsanything/ anyoneher / a positionhim / a laptopthe remote control / me this cake / our parents them/ permission 1 This programme is terrible. Let's see what else is on. Pass…2 It was my brother's birthday last week and Dad bought…3 It's difficult to find a bank that'll give... to start a business.4 By posting on their website, you're basically giving… to use your data.5 If I were you, I wouldn't tell…It's better to keep it secret!6 We baked… It's their wedding anniversary.7 Sheila quit her job last week. An internet company offered... with fantastic financial conditions.8 The school principal promised… who are interested in computing.  10 10 CHOOSE1 Work in pairs. Write a blog post explaining best practices when it comes to using social media. Use as many of the phrases as you can.If I were you, I'd avoid ...I'd strongly recommend ...It's best not to agree/arrange...Lots of people fail ...You may want to prevent people...It's sometimes good to ask friends...Don't allow everyone...Think carefully before you tell ...2 Write a short story about someone who started a new business. Use at least five verbs from pages 96-103.