1 Work in groups. Discuss the questions.1 Are there any TV programmes about business or selling products in your country? Do you watch them? Why?/Why not?2 Would you be good at selling a product? Why?/Why not?3 Have you ever had to present something in front of people? What did you present? Was the presentation successful? Why?/Why not? 2 Work in pairs. You have some spare money that you could invest in a promising business on Kickstarter. There are three projects on the right. Decide which one you would like to invest in. Give your partner the reasons for your choice. Also, say why you reject the other options. Then, answer the questions.1 How can an entrepreneur convince potential investors that the project is really worth putting some money into?2 Are all business ideas successful? What happens when some things go wrong in a business?mXers was set up by high school student Bharat Pulgam. He has invented new earphones that allow you to easily replace different parts that break so you don't have to buy a whole new set. They also allow you to customise your earphones for an individual look. mXers needs money to develop the product and start production.The Possible Project is an after-school programme that teaches teenagers, mainly from low-income families, the skills to be entrepreneurs. The project has been. running for several years and has trained over 250 students. The team wants to raise money for a laser cutter so that students can make different products. more quickly.Hendrik Reimers is a German chocolate maker. He has set up a chocolate making company, Fairafric, in Ghana. By producing the chocolate bars in their own country rather than only exporting cocoa beans, people in Ghana can earn over 25 percent more - even compared to fair trade chocolate. The money raised will help fund production, packaging, shipping, and distribution.  3 Make negative questions from the sentences. Which negative questions could you use to support your reasons in exercise 2? Why?1 It'd be good to have something like that.2 I think it's a bad idea to give money to strangers online.3 There's something similar to that already.4 I have sometimes wished I could do that.5 I would be happy to pay a bit extra to help. 4 Work in pairs. Try to persuade your partner that your choice in exercise 2 was a good idea. Also, persuade your partner that their choice was not the best one. Use negative questions.