1 Read the article below and decide whether the author does these things (Y) or not (N).1 refers to the reader's experience 2 suggests a solution to a problem 3 describes the product4 encourages the reader to make their own inventions5 asks for some money to fund the project6 invites the reader to contact the inventor directlyYoung entrepreneur trying to turn a nightmare into a dream businessHave you ever spent hours working on a project only to lose it because your USB stick got lost and you hadn't thought of backing it up? Do you know that feeling when you have to explain it to your teacher or boss? Awful, isn't it? Well, thanks to the bright idea of a 16-year-old entrepreneur from Northern Ireland, the problem may soon be a thing of the past.Mason Robinson has invented a piece of software that automatically backs up your work to the cloud when you save your work to a stick. As Mason says: 'It has a unique aspect in saving people's work twice!' He developed the i-save USB idea as part of a summer project at a local science park. Now, he is trying to raise two thousand dollars through a Kickstarter campaign to improve the product and distribute it.So why don't you support Mason to make his business. dreams a reality and, at the same time, end the nightmare of lost homework and research? Even small donations of five or ten dollars count! Alternatively, if you're still not convinced, you may at least spread the news about the new USB stick among your friends. - we're sure some of them will find the concept worth its money.Enjoy the new stick when it's finally on the market and don't forget to share your opinions when you get yours!  2 Work in pairs. Look at the article again and answer the questions.1 How does the article grab your attention?2 How does the article try to persuade you to continue reading?3 Where does the factual information come from?4 What is the purpose of the third paragraph and how does it relate to the introduction?5 How does the author try to build a longer-lasting relation with the reader?   3 Would you invest in the i-save? Why?/Why not? 4 Think of a product you have heard about recently or something you have invented yourself.Write an article in which you present the benefits of the product and suggest ways in which the reader could support the inventor.Write between 200 and 250 words.More about a persuasive article in Writing guide on p. 155.Useful languageGetting people's attentionHave you ever wanted to...?Well, now you could have the opportunity.Have you ever wondered...?Well, now scientists have discovered the answer.Have you ever dreamt of...?Well, that's exactly what happened to .....!Have you ever...? Well, all that could be a thing ofthe past thanks to ...Do you think...? Well, think again!Persuading the reader to take actionWhy don't you buy a few of our gadgets?Alternatively, you may download the application from our website.Don't forget to let your friends know about our services!