1 Complete the sentence with the words in the box.Make five such sentences.A(n)…is a part of a…(n)arm headbonebrainkneelegdigestive system skeletonelbowstomach 2 Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.1 There's something wrong with my heart / lungs / brain. It's beating too fast.2 You can donate up to 350 millilitres of vessels / blood/ brain at a time.3 When you quit smoking, your lungs /bones/muscles need a few years before they can clean out the toxins. 4 There are five organs / vessels / senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch.5 This nasty cough and your runny nose suggest that you've got blood vessels / blood cells / an infection. 3 Choose the correct option to complete the text.I used to be an active football player some time ago, but a car accident made it (1)... for me to play anymore. My broken legs stopped me (2) ... walking at all for a few weeks. My family organised a wheelchair for me, which (3)... me to move around the house. It took a lot of time before I could finally walk on my own and I still have to use a walking stick, which (4)... me keep my balance, but I know now that the injury has (5) ... me from playing football forever. That's life!a unnecessaryb impossiblec unablea fromb toc abouta savedb letc enableda helpsb allowsc stopsa preventedb letc saved 4 Match the halves of the sentences.1 If you tell the doctor about your symptoms,2 An illness starts 3 You'll go on putting on weight4 If you run a long distance,5 Stop working out at the gyma if you feel too tired to continue.b when the body cannot fight a virus.c your heart rate increases.d he will surely find out what's wrong.e unless you go on a diet. 5 Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use the word in capitals. Do not change the form of this word. You may use between two and five words in each gap.1 I don't like the fact that I get ill so often. ONLY If…  so often!2 My friend often phones me late at night. It's annoying. WISH I…  me late at night.3 Imagine you see an accident. What would you do? IF What would you do...?4 I'm quite fit thanks to my fitness instructor. FOR If it..., I wouldn't be so fit. 7 Work in pairs. Describe the picture to your partner. Use the phrases in the box.This one shows ...In the middle/background/foreground, there's ... They seem/look...It looks as if ...It's some/a sort of ...