1 Do the time phrases show a completed time (a), a time period that includes now (b) or both (ab)?a The company's profits rose....b The company's profits have been rising1 over the last five years2 last year3 in 20154 in the past few months.5 since they found a different distributor 6 when we did the marketing campaign. 7 for a long time.8 over the last year  2 Complete the summary with one word in each gap. Madison Forbes (1)... always loved drawing and design and (2) 2010 she's been turning her designs into a successful business called Fishflops, which produces flip flops with Madison's cute sea characters on them. She came up with the name in 2006 (3) she was just eight years old and, with the help of her father, (4) ... up the business which now supplies clothing stores like Nordstrom as well as the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA). Over the (5) ... few years, they have also started producing shoes and T-shirts and the company has (6) ... several million dollars in sales - not that Madison has been (7) ... a life of luxury with the profits: instead, she (8)... saved most of the money to pay for university. The company also contributes to several charities and a portion of the AZA sales goes to protect endangered animals. 3 Choose the correct option.1 In primary school Pat has played / played tennis for two years.2 I have spoken / have been speaking to my teacher three times.3 Over the last few months Paul spent / has spent all his savings.4 The streets are wet. It has been raining/ has rained. 5 We have left/left school and then we went straight home.6 Jim has done / has been doing this task since noon. 4 1 I need to practise giving this presentation before class.2 She offered to help me with the homework.3 Have you considered paying someone to do it?4 I’m going to keep writing to them until I get an answer!5 He admitted sending thousands of spam emails.6 I’d recommend reporting it. It doesn’t look right.7 I tried to get a better deal, but they basically refused to negotiate.8 We arranged to meet at 6.30. 5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.1 I can't imagine him... (post) something like that! It's so out of character.2 I accidentally downloaded a virus and it caused the whole system... (crash).3 Our teacher always forces us (speak) in English in class.4 I got some bad feedback on my project. It left me (feel) quite fed up.5 We'd like to remind you... (change) your password within the next two weeks.6 Websites... (play) music while they load is so annoying!7 I can still remember begging my parents... (buy) me my first Xbox!8 They caught him (try) to access the school's online records.9 If I could, I'd hire someone... (take) my computing exam so I didn't have to revise for it.10 I just can't see them... (win). They've got too many players injured. 6 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first by adding three words.1 My parents didn't let me use social media until I was 16. My parents never allowed... social media when I was younger.2 That video really made me think. Online companies have so much power over us! That video really started... how much power online companies have!3 I warned her about sending her details, but she didn't listen! I begged... send her personal details, but she didn't listen.4 Every time you enter the site, they make you change your password. Every time you enter the site, they… change your password.5 That video is just amazing. How could anyone not like it? I can't imagine…. that video! It's so amazing!6 Don't let me forget how terrible that site is! ….to use that site again! It's awful!7 My brother writes software for a living, so I basically learnt from him. I'm lucky because my brother… write my own software.8 Stop checking your phone! Listen to me for a bit! Can't you stop checking your phone? I hate… to me when I'm talking!