1 Work in groups and discuss.1 Which are the most popular sports in your country? Do you like them? Why?/Why not? Do you know any famous people who do them?2 Are there any less popular sports in which Polish athletes have had spectacular success?3 What matters in sports is participation itself, not victory. Do you agree with this statement? Why?/Why not? 2 Work in pairs. Describe the photo, then answer the questions.1 Which sport do you think they are watching? What makes you think so? 2 How do you feel in a crowd like that? Why?3 Tell your partner about the most impressive sports achievement or the most enjoyable sports experience you've ever had. 3 Work in pairs. Identify the options which do not fit.1 He has ... incredible awareness / very energetic / great technique/ a real passion for the game.2 She's... a very skilful player / a really great attitude/ a forward/ a positive role model.3 She won... a great goal / silver at the Olympics / the world championship/ a gold medal.4 He scored... an average of 20 points a game/300 goals in his career/ the most last season / the race.5 He set a new/He won the /He holds the /He smashed the old ... world record. 6 She captained / She was the star of/ She competed/ She played a key role in ... the team. 4 Complete the sentences with words in exercise 3.1 The whole team have a really great… of the game. They always fight right to the end2 She still... the world record she set 30 years ago.3 When I was younger, I won a gold… in the 400 metres.4 He has incredible… . He can anticipate the other players' moves and create opportunities for scoring.5 He was a key player in their success, but he never… the team.6 I've always had a real passion... wrestling. 7 She's... in four Olympics and won two golds, one ... and one bronze. 8 He scored the winning... in the last World Cup final. 5 Choose five phrases in exercise 3 to describe a sportsperson, a friend or a family member. Then tell your partner about the people you thought of. My favourite footballer is Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang. He has incredible awareness and scores some amazing goals.I think my big sister is a positive role model for me. She has a great attitude and never gives up. 6 Work in pairs. You and your partner have to make a presentation on how sports have changed over time. In your conversation, include the following aspects:celebrity statusachievementsequipment rules