1 Listen to four people explain why they admire certain sportspeople. As you listen: 1 find out where each sportsperson is/was from.2 find an example of something each sportspersonwon. 2 2 Listen to the four people again. Match each speaker (1-4) with two of the sentences (a-h).This speaker talks about a person who:a does a sport the speaker also practises.b is a woman and has achieved more than any other man in a typically male sport.chas represented his/her country internationally numerous times.d has contributed greatly to the popularity of the sport he/she's doing.e had already played a sport before it was officially included in the Olympic Games.f performs an enjoyable show every time he/she wins a race.g has gone through some problems in his/her private life....h showed a lot of determination even when he/she had no chance to win.  3 Work in groups. Discuss which of the four sportspeople you think achieved the most. Explain your ideas. 4 Listen to a radio programme about the Polish mountaineer Andrzej Bargiel. Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.1 The ride down K2 was Bargiel'sa fourth achievement of that kind in his career.b fourth attempt to conquer that peak.c easiest ride of all his challenges so far.2 When Andrzej got to the top of K2,a he was close to giving up his ride at one moment.b the weather made him wait before he started his way down.c he decided to ski down only to 8,000 m for safetyreasons.3 In his K2 expedition, Andrzeja was supported by his two brothers.b had his descent filmed by a drone.c skied down the summit along with four other people.4 The aim of the programme is to presenta the history of Polish mountaineering.b the dangers of extreme sports.c the accomplishments of an individual person. 5 5 Listen again. Choose the best heading (a–e) for each recording (1-4). There is one heading you do not need.a All his achievements so farb A completely different approach to a regular sport c Faster than anyone else.d All the people around him.e Details of the successful attempt  6 Work in groups. Make a list of six different sports and discuss what kind of achievement would be considered an outstanding success in each of them. Do you know any athletes who have achieved that?  7 Work in pairs. Describe the photo below, then answer the questions.1 What is each of the racers thinking at the moment? What makes you think so?2 Which sports do you find the most demanding? Why? 3 Tell your partner about a time when you watchedyour favourite athlete or club in a sports competition (live or on TV).