1 How far do you agree with this quote? Give examples to show how things are better or worse now than they were in the past.This is the best time to be alive - ever.' (TED Speaker Gareth Cliff) Comparatives and superlativesa Bicycles have improved and become far more aerodynamic.b There are many more people training today.c Athletes are training harder and more intelligently than before.ɗ The running tracks used in the 1930s were not as fast as the ones today.e The soft surface of old running tracks stole much more energy from athletes' legs compared to modern tracks.f Usain Bolt is the fastest man in history.g On average, shot-putters are now two and a half inches taller and130 pounds heavier than they were in the 1920s.h The current hour record in cycling is only slightly better than it was over 40 years ago.i The more money governments spend on athletes, the better the results. 2 Look at the Grammar box. Read the sentences about how sports and sportspeople have changed. Answer the questions.1 Which sentences use a comparative form with:an adjective?an adverb?a noun?2 Which sentence uses a superlative adjective?3 Which sentence emphasises that something is 'less than'?4 Which of the words in bold show a small difference and which show a big difference?5 Why do we say many more people, but much more energy? What is the opposite of both of them?6 Which sentence shows how one change causes another change to happen at the same time?Comparatives and superlativesa Bicycles have improved and become far more aerodynamic.b There are many more people training today.c Athletes are training harder and more intelligently than before.ɗ The running tracks used in the 1930s were not as fast as the ones today.e The soft surface of old running tracks stole much more energy from athletes' legs compared to modern tracks.f Usain Bolt is the fastest man in history.g On average, shot-putters are now two and a half inches taller and 130 pounds heavier than they were in the 1920s.h The current hour record in cycling is only slightly better than it was over 40 years ago.i The more money governments spend on athletes, the better the results.  3 Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first. Use the word in capitals.1 The new gym in my area has a lot better equipment than the one I used to go to before. MUCHThe new gym in my area is…  the one I used to go to before.2 No other tournament has ever been as hard as last year's championship. THELast year's championship was… ever.3 Our football team's performance was more spectacular last year than it is now. ASOur football team's performance isn't... it was last year.4 Tom found it easier to learn to play cricket than Ralph. MORETom learnt to play cricket... Ralph.5 As I gain experience, the exercise I do at the gym becomes more intense. THE… I am, the more intense exercise I do at the gym.6 We have hardly any motivation to play well in this match, while it's quite opposite in the case of our rivals. FAROur rivals… to play well in this match than we are.