1 Work in pairs. Read the website article below. Answer the questions.1 Which part of the description expresses the author's reaction to the results?2 What reaction does the author expect from the reader?WHAT DO YOU DO TO LEAD A HEALTHY LIFE?My favourite sports website, Go!, has recently published the results of a survey carried out on 50 people aged 13 to 55. The aim of the survey was to find out about levels of participation in sport in the four weeks before the interview.As the results show, 68 percent of those interviewed walked for health and recreation, about one in six cycled and over half did some kind of sport within the month before. As can be seen from the chart, the most popular sport during this month was swimming and diving, with almost 15 percent of those questioned trying it at least once. This was followed closely by various health and fitness activities.Among the people that did not take part in any sport during the month in question, the main reasons given for not participating were lack of time, expense and general poor health.Generally, such results could be easily expected. Activities that do not require expensive equipment or intense practice are willingly picked up by people of all ages. What came as a surprise to me, though, was the low popularity of running. Several of my friends go jogging regularly. Thus, I'd expect running to be ranked a bit higher than that.How about you? What sports have you done recently? Are you surprised with the results? Let me know in the comments!  2 We often use passive forms in reports. Complete the sentences using the past participles of the verbs in brackets.1 The chart shows the result of a survey (carry out) at our school last month.2 Fifty pupils (age) 13 to 15 were (interview) about their reading habits.3 As can be (see), only 20 percent of those (question) said they had read a novel in the previous six months.4 The most popular author was J.R.R. Tolkien, (follow) by Anthony Horowitz. 3 Replace the percentages in italics with the phrases.Almost halfA tiny percentageRoughly a thirdA significant majorityJust under three-quarters The vast majority1 2% of those questioned spend more than an hour a day exercising.2 35% of those who responded play a team sport at least once a month.3 48% of those who responded prefer exercising alone. 4 65% of those questioned would like to do more sport. 5 74% of respondents do less sport now than they did five years ago.6 96% of the people I spoke to recognise the importance of exercise. 4 Work in pairs. Refer to the Writing strategies box and use the passive forms in exercise 2 to describe the statistics in this bar chart.Writing strategiesDescribing statisticsWhen we are describing statistics, we sometimes use phrases or estimations instead of specific percentages. Instead of 10.3 percent cycled, we might say one in ten cycled. We do this for variety or to emphasise a point. For example, over half may sound bigger than 52 percent.  5 A sports website has recently published a bar chart with the results of a survey showing the popularity of various sports by gender. Write an article for your school magazine, in which you will present what you have learnt from the bar chart and express your personal reaction to the results. Write between 200 and 250 words.