1 Przekształć podane wyrazy tak, aby otrzymać logiczne i poprawne gramatycznie zdania.1 This campaign is to raise people's... of the problem of drugs in sports. AWARE2 This is the third European… for this experienced player. CHAMPION3 The Olympic gold medal was won by an… from Sweden. ATHLETICS4 We want to take some exercise,… in the fresh air. PREFER5 He is the most…   footballer the world has ever seen. SKILL6 His… in the World Football Cup was cancelled. PARTICIPATE   2 Uzupełnij lukę w każdym zdaniu pasującym wyrazem.1 My friend stood out as… far the best basketball player in our school.2 Harry has always had a real passion… fishing.3 It depends... our coach whether we will have to train this weekend.4 A survey was carried preferences… to check our students' sport5 The run appeared to be easy as one… ten participants managed to finish it within an hour.6 … from the last five minutes, the whole game was rather boring. 3 Uzupełnij drugie zdanie, używając podanego wyrazu w niezmienionej formie tak, żeby zachować sens zdania wyjściowego. W każdą lukę można wpisać maksymalnie pięć wyrazów, wliczając wyraz już podany.1 He swam more slowly than he did in the last competition. AS He did… he did in the last competition.2 Last season their results were much better. THAN They are doing... they did last season.3 The organisers had expected more spectators to come to the match. CAME ….to the match than the organisers had expected. 4 Newspapers did not publish much information about this competition. WAS Very... published about this competition in newspapers.5 They will organise a charity match at the national stadium. HELD A charity match… at the national stadium.6 When he practised martial arts, he did not eat any junk food. NO When he practised martial arts,… junk food.  4 Przetłumacz podane w nawiasach fragmenty zdań na język angielski.1 (Mało ludzi) know the rules of cricket.2 The more you train, (tym lepsze wyniki) you get.3 The weights were (o pięć kilogramów cięższe) than earlier.4 His current record for the 100 metres is only (trochę lepszy)  than it was six months ago.5 This competitor jumps (tak wysoko jak) the best ones in the world.6 Our team won; although it was (ich najtrudniejszy) match in that volleyball competition.  5 Wybierz odpowiedź, która poprawnie uzupełnia zdanie.1 Not only did he win the swimming competition, but he also... the new world record.a didb setc put2 I love watching American football, but I don't knowrules.a nobits c it's3 The better equipment we ... for our school, the more interesting our sports classes will be. a buyb are buyingc will buy4 They do not have... equipment in the gym; they need more weights, mattresses, and jumping ropes.a manyb much c alot5 My friend eventually… his target of becoming a professional football player.a receivedb scoredc achieved6 Winning 60 points at the beginning of the game lifted our players'…a happinessb satisfactionc spirits