1 Choose the correct options.1 Mia Hamm first started playing football when she was living in the Italy / Italy. Later, when she was at the junior high school / junior high school, she played in the boys' team / boys' team.2 Hamm has done a lot to promote a women's/the women's/women's football.3 To tell you the truth / truth / a truth, I'm not really interested in motorbikes/the motorbikes, but I admire Valentino Rossi. He has charm/ a charm / the charm and a lovely personality/lovely personality/the lovely personality.4 Jesse Owens was born in the Alabama / Alabama in 1913. He was the youngest/youngest / a youngest of ten children, and his father was farmer/ the farmer/ a farmer.5 As the teenager/ teenager/ a teenager, Owens helped his family by delivering the groceries/ groceries and working in a shoe repair shop / shoe repair shop/the shoe repair shop.6 Susi Susanti now runs company / the company/ a company selling the badminton rackets / badminton rackets. She imports a material/ the material for rackets / the rackets from Japan and they're then produced in China. 2 Choose the correct options. Sometimes both answers are correct.1 There's not much/ only a few difference between the two teams.2 I have almost no/hardly interest in sport, to be honest. 3 Very few/Not many talented young athletes actually become successful.4 I've never really had no / any talent for sport.5 I don't have very much / very little respect for many footballers. 6 A lot of/ Most medals we win at the Olympics are in long-distance running.7 When the World Cup is on, I usually try and watch all/ every game.8 I couldn't see much because there were a lot of/ so many people in front of me. 3 Complete the sentences with the determiners.all, any, both, each, either, every, neither, no1 I like the fact that you can play the game anywhere. … special equipment is needed.2 Mia Hamm was named FIFA's World Player of the Year in ... 2001 and 2002.3... his school nor his family had the money to send Jesse Owens to the 1932 Olympics.4 My brother can name…  player who has played for the team in the last ten years!5 I admire... athlete who works hard and has a good attitude.6 It's a very close game. … team could win, but I still think Brazil look stronger.7 … my friends are really into boxing, but I can't stand it! 8 There's a website that shows you how much… player earns. 4 Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first. Use the word in capitals. Do not change the form of this word. You may use between two and five words in each gap.1 This season they have scored 65 goals and we've only scored 30.This season they've scored… we have.MILES2 Usain Bolt actually ran only slightly faster than Jesse Owens.Jesse Owens… as Usain Bolt.FAST3 I used to play basketball quite a lot, but I hardly ever play now.I don't play basketball... I used to.MUCH4 No-one has ever won as many gold medals in swimming for their country as her.She is our… ever.SUCCESSFUL5 If you continue to play, your injury will only get worse. The… worse your injury will get.LONGER 5 Complete the comparatives using your own ideas.1 I'm slightly… than…2 I'm nowhere near…3 Young people these days are far more…4 There... as... as there... in the past.5 I… than I used to.6 …, the more successful you will be.