1  Translate the Polish fragments of the sentences into English.1 Journalists often mention (świetne nastawienie polskich kibiców)... at volleyball tournaments. 2 The captain of the team (odgrywa kluczową rolę) not only during a game.3 Disabled players have to (przezwyciężać dużo więcej problemów)... than ordinary ones.4 Practising sport often (wiąże się z siniakami i ranami) which you cannot avoid.5 (Jedna na 20 ankietowanych osób) could chase a bus effortlessly.  2 Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.1 We are going to… main findings of our analytical team.a discoverb introducec interview2 She decided to… out a survey on her own.a putb carryc run3 Is judo going to be one of your favourite martial… a fightsb sportsc arts4 Winning this competition won't be difficult with her… for dancing.a flairb strikec rhythm5 All spectators were watching the goalkeeper before the... shootout.a priorityb penaltyc provincial  3 Complete each sentence with the word that best fits the gap.1 They were going to bore her… their memories from football matches.2 When he won that Olympic medal he was... his best. 3 The vast majority of Poland is ... sea level.4 I would like to appreciate her excellence… diving. 5 The local government's hardest decision was…  of the question.  4 Use the word in capitals to form a word that fits in the gap.1 People that do sports are more… than those who are not active. ENERGY2 His biggest… gave him fame and well-being. ACCOMPLISH3 Do you think wrestling needs greater… than judo? CONCENTRATE4 Her world record was the most… feat. Everybody was amazed. EXPECT5 Sportspeople emphasise the… of regular training. IMPORTANT