1 What skills, abilities and personal qualities do people need to work successfully in the 21st century? Is it more than just qualifications? 2 Work in pairs. Think of a job:1 which is popular, so the job market is competitive.2 in which you need to be flexible - able to adapt to changing situations. 3 that's well-paid - you get a good salary.4 in the construction industry.5 where employees work long hours - 50 hours a week or more.6 that you would find quite stressful.7 which has good career prospects.8 in which you would be in charge of many people - responsible for them. 9 that is physically demanding, so you need to be healthy.10 that needs creative people with new ideas and new ways of doing things. 3 Use the words and phrases in bold in exercise 2 to complete the paragraph. A survey about the reasons people leave their jobs shows some surprising results. You might think that people want more money, so they move to jobs that are (1) ..., or prefer an easy life, but in fact this is not always the case. Many employees are happy to (2)... in (3)... jobs, where they are (4)... large teams, working with important clients. In return, they want exciting (5)... in their chosen (6) Work only becomes (7) ... if employers refuse to listen to their workers' needs or don't trust them with responsibility. For example, employees with a long commute may want more (8) ... working hours. The lesson for business? To keep good employees, you need to trust them and listen to them.3 4 Put the lines (a-i) in the correct order. Sentence a is the first line, sentence i is the last one.a I've always wanted to work inb charge of the boys' football teams. It wasn't a very well-paidc for organising a football tournament. Since that job, I've never been outd work at the sports centre, where I was ine job as a coach. I'm currently workingf job, but it was quite satisfying - I was responsibleg of work. Now I've got a full-timeh the sports industry. I qualified as a personal trainer and got part-timei on a fitness programme for one of my clients who is a professional athlete. 5 Work in pairs. Discuss the difference between the terms.1 part-time and temporary work?2 to work in something and to work on something?3 to have a full-time job and to work long hours?  6 6 Work in pairs. You are discussing possible career paths with a friend. Talk about the jobs you would like to do. Discuss the following aspects:working hourssalaryresponsibilitiespeople you would like to work with