1 Look at the Grammar box. Why do you think the forms in bold are used in each sentence?Future formsa And in Haiti, the project is certainly going to create jobs, and it'll be employing local artists.b I guess that work won't last, but I think the locals are hoping the project will attract interest in the area. c The piece should be low maintenance, so they won't be spending thousands of pounds every year.d What about once it's been completed?e What'll happen when the paint fades?f We're about to put on a community arts festival. g We're holding various shows and events over a week. h You can... get information on Mark's festival which starts on the 24th.  2 Match each explanation of how to create future forms with an extract in the Grammar box. There are two extracts for one of the explanations.1 The present simple is used to refer to a scheduled or regular event.2 The present simple or present perfect is usedbecause it follows a time word.3 The present continuous is used because they are talking about an arrangement they have made. 4 Will + infinitive is used because they are makingpredictions about the future they are certain about. 5 The future continuous is used because they aretalking about an ongoing/unfinished future action. 6 Be about to + verb is used to talk about something which is going to happen in the very near future. 7 Be going to + verb is used because they are making a prediction.  3 Choose the correct options to complete the paragraph.Our town (1) holds / is going to hold a festival next year for the total solar eclipse. There (2) will be being / are going to be some small events in the week before the eclipse (3) takes / is taking place – like talks and music. And then on the actual day, the eclipse is due quite early in the morning, so we (4) are about to put on / are putting on a concert with some local bands as the sun. (5) rises / will rise. After the concert (6) has finished / will finish, we're going to have a huge breakfast barbecue to prepare for the big event. It should be great! A lot of people (7) will be coming to / come to the area next year to catch the eclipse so we (8) will hopefully get / are  hopefully getting a few visitors here in our town too, although that's not the main thing about putting on the event. We're really doing it because we want to bring people together, and it's not like we (9) will be spending / spend thousands of dollars on it. If (10) it's going to be / it will be a success, we'll need lots of volunteers. 4 Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first. Use the word in capitals. Do not change the form of this word. You may use between two and five words in each gap.1 After leaving the exhibition, we will go to a café. HAVE When..., we will go to a café.2 The show will start in a moment. ABOUT The show is… in a moment.3 What is the departure time of Bus 35? DEPART What time...?4 I'll be at the cinema at 5 pm on Saturday. The film starts at  4 and lasts for almost two hours. WATCHING  …. at the cinema at 5 pm on Saturday.5 What are your plans for next weekend? GOING What... next weekend?   5 How many times can you complete the sentences so that they are correct and true? Compare with a partner and see who got the most.1 I'm… next weekend.2 I'm going to… after…3 There's about to be… in our town.4 I will be..., so I can…5 Next term,  6 Work in pairs. Make a list of at least four ideas for pieces of art/cultural events/festivals for your community.  7 Work with another pair of students. Compare your ideas. Discuss which you think would:be the most fun.do most to boost the local economy.  have the longest lasting impact.be the most difficult to organise. 8 Work in the same groups. Choose one of your ideas. Discuss:the venuehow long it will take to set up and how long it will last who will take part/organise ithow much it will costhow you will raise the moneyany permission you will needhow to get people to support the project 9 Present your ideas to the class. Vote on which one you like best.