1 Work in pairs. Take turns explaining what each collocation means. Use a dictionary if necessary.diverse social backgrounds.driving ambitionhard workinnovative schemeleading orchestralow-incomemixed resultsprivate companiesstraightforward processstrict set of rules  2 Complete the sentences with the collocations in exercise 1.1 The management introduced a/an of promotion and motivation to stop workers from quitting.2 Several were interested in building the opera house, but only two offers had reasonable terms. 3 The afternoon drama club in my city has successfully appealed to young people from4 The school management decided to work out a/an in order to prevent bullying and violence.5 The new method is not universal - it will bring depending on how motivated each student is. 3 Read about El Sistema, a programme for teaching music. Put the sentences (a-g) in the correct places (1-6) in the article. There is one sentence that you do not need.a It has also been credited with improving relations between different communities and saving many children from getting involved in gangs and violence. b Obviously, the resources that the Venezuelan government puts into El Sistema are important. c Central to El Sistema is a focus on discipline and commitment.d Abreu was also a politician and a minister in the government.e However, it seems there are always individuals. whose lives are changed.f Yet, 40 years ago, such an idea seemed a long way off.g Lessons are mainly conducted as a group, with all the class working towards performing a piece in front of an audience.