3  Read about the Bilbao Effect. What is it? Choose the correct option to complete the text.By the 1990s, the city of Bilbao in northern Spain was no longer the industrial centre it once was and the future looked bleak. It was hard to see how the authorities (1) ... new jobs or what could be done to make sure things (2) ... soon. The city decided to invest over $1 billion in the hope that a new focus on culture would attract visitors. The money (3) ... on transport links, bridges, parks, libraries, and the remarkable Guggenheim Museum, designed by Frank Gehry. Once people saw what the building (4)... like, excitement grew. When it opened, the authorities (5) ... around 300,000 visitors in the first year, but by the end of that year, it had attracted a million! The impact on the city has been tremendous, so it's no wonder other cities are now desperate to copy what has become known as the Bilbao Effect!1 a is going to create b were going to createc will create2 a are improvingb were improvingc would improve3 a was spending b was going to spendc was going to be spent4 a was going to look b were going to lookc is going to look5 a were expectingb would expectc were going to expect  4 Think of three possible reasons why the 'Bilbao Effect' might not work in another city.  5 5 Listen to three people describing cultural events they went to. Match each speaker (1-3) with the correct sentence (a–c). No 61Which speaker watched something that:a has been popular for a long time? b scared them more than they expected? c disappointed them?    6 Think of places or cultural events you have been to that you could describe using this language. Share your experiences in groups.It was far/much/way... than I thought it would be. I wasn't expecting it to be very/quite..., but it was ..... It was nowhere near as good as I was expecting.  7 Work in pairs. Look at the Grammar box. Answer the questions.1 What is the form of the future perfect simple? What is the form of the future perfect continuous? 2 Which form do we use to emphasise the durationof an activity before a certain point in the future? 3 Which form do we use to emphasise completed actions by a certain point?4 Which word shows a point in the future?The future perfectWe use the future perfect to show the time in the future by which something will be complete.It'll soon have been running for 70 years, and over 10 million people will have seen it.  8 Complete each sentence with the future perfect simple or future perfect continuous form of the verbs in brackets.1 By the end of next year, the band... (play) together for 30 years!2 By the end of this course, I ... (study) English for ten whole years!3 I'll call you after five. I... (finish) school by then. 4 He's originally from Peru, but by June he... (live) in Canada for ten years.5 The Museum of Modern Art… soon… (be) open fora whole century. 9  CHOOSE1 Find out about a new development in your town or country. Why was it built? Has it been a success? 2 Write a list of ten things that will have happened in your life by the time you are 30. Then work in pairs. Which are the most/least likely to come true?