1 Look at the Authentic listening skills box. Then listen and complete the extracts from the TED talk.1 And by 1980, the last train rode. It was a train… 2 I first read about it in the New York Times, in an article… demolished.3 And… we were the only two people that were sort of interested in the project.4 And that's really where we started... the idea coalesced around ... let's make this a park, and… this wildscape. 2 Listen to the extracts again. Which of the missing words in each sentence were the most difficult to hear?  3 3 Work in pairs and explain the meaning of the words and phrases in the box. Use a dictionary if necessary.community board meetingrail linesteel structurewildscapetax revenuefreight linedemolishtear something down.rusty industrialrelicsupportiveestimate  4 Listen to the extract from the TED Talk about the speaker. Check if you know the words in the box. elevated, freight, abandoned, opposition, preserve  5 Listen to part 1 of the talk. Choose the correct option. 1 In the old days, the freight line trains.a used cowboys to protect the goods they were carrying.b were pulled by horses.c caused several fatal accidents.2 As time went by,a more freight started being transported by road. b the line was mainly used to transport meat.c people in the neighbourhood wanted it demolished.3 At the community board meeting, Roberta offered to volunteer to help preserve the High Line.b realised he was in a small minority.c knew a writer from the New York Times.4 The main inspiration for the project came from a the spectacular views of Manhattan.b the industrial architecture of the line.c the way nature had started reclaiming the abandoned space.