6 Listen to part 2 of the talk. Choose the correct option to complete each sentence. TED 8.21 Friends of the High Line thought the project would cost $100/$150 million to build.2 They estimated that over a 20-year period the High Line would generate $200/$250 million.3 The High Line will generate half a billion / billion dollars for the city in tax revenues. 7  Listen to part 3 of the talk. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? TED 8.31 Twice as many people as expected used the High Line last year.2 Architects have taken inspiration from the High Line. 3 Some parts of the High Line have been elevated to a higher level.4 Robert Hammond admits that he doesn't really love the design.5 He believes the space encourages people to behave in ways they wouldn't normally. 8 Listen to the sentences from the TED Talk. Check if you know the meaning of the words and phrases in the box. run overrelicassumedengagementfigure out behind   9 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.1 What different ways of reducing the number of people who get run over can you think of?2 What problems might arise if ancient relics are found in a construction area?3 Who do you usually talk to if you need to figure out what to do about a problem? Why?4 Which of the ideas do you think your town/city would really get behind? Why?Free art gallery and museum entrance foreveryoneSpending more money on public artOfficial areas for young people to put up street art Free art materials for all schoolchildren.Displaying work by local poets on public transport. 10 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.1 Where you live, are there any old buildings, industrial places or pieces of land that are no longer used? Do you know when or why they stopped being used?2 Do you know any old buildings or places that used to be used for one purpose but are now used for a different purpose? Have the changes been for the better or the worse?3 What's your favourite public space? Why? How often do you go there? What for?