1 Choose the option that is true for you. Then work in pairs and explain your choices.1 I usually go out to meet friends four or five times a week/ two or three times a week/maybe once a week - at the weekend.2 I hardly ever / sometimes / quite often go out with my parents.3 I prefer going out on my own/ with one or two close friends / with a big group.4 When it comes to deciding where and when to meet, I let other people decide/ we generally try to reach a group decision / I basically like to take charge.5 I mostly like going to the same place / different kinds of places.6 When I go out with friends, I like to plan everything in advance / I'm happy to just go with the flow and see what happens.7 I often / rarely / never go to cultural events like concerts or exhibitions. 2 Listen to two friends making plans. Answer the questions. 1 What different cultural events do they mention?2 What do they decide to do in the end?3 Why are the other ideas rejected?4 Where and when do they arrange to meet? Why? 3 3 Listen to the two friends again. Complete the sentences by adding two or three words in each gap.1 I was wondering. Do you… somewhere with me tomorrow?2 Where did you have...? Anywhere in particular?3 OK. What is it? I'm not really into art, so ...4 It doesn't sound like my kind of thing,…5 How about... this band that are playing in the park tomorrow night?6 What about just going to see a film? Would you be..7 Let's... the later one - but meet a little bit earlier. 8 I'll book tickets - just to that?  4 Work in pairs. You are arranging to go to one of cultural events happening in your area. Use language in exercise 3 and the Useful language box in your conversation, including the following aspects:which event to attendtime and venuenecessary arrangementswhat to do after the event