1 Work in pairs. Read the sentence below. Think of two reasons why the situation might be favourable for your area and two reasons why it might not be a good idea. Your local authorities are thinking of building a new museum to boost tourism in the area and benefit the whole community.  2 Read the essay below. Answer the questions.1 Were the author's arguments similar to yours? 2 Does the author include both positive and negative. aspects of the situation?Over recent years, tourism has been increasingly important to the local economy. In order to attract even greater numbers of tourists, it has recently been suggested that a new museum should be built that would boost visitor numbers. Undoubtedly, the ideal has a lot of advantages, but there have also been voices against this plan.One argument in favour of a big, new museum is that it would put the region on the map and draw visitors, who would then spend money on accommodation, transport, and food. Furthermore, it would create jobs - initially in construction and then within the building. Finally, museums are often seen as being good for the wider community as they help educate people. However, a museum would be expensive. It might be better to spend that money on other areas of the local community. Local schools and hospitals could be improved greatly if a similar sum of money were made available, and this would benefit a wider group of people. In addition, it is worth asking how many people would actually visit a new museum. There is already a small museum in town and it is almost always empty. In conclusion, there will be both advantages and disadvantages of a new museum. Even though a new museum might bring limited benefits, other choices are worth considering, as these funds could contribute to a more skilled, healthier, and happier society.  3 Work in pairs. Look at the essay above again. Answer the questions.1 How does the writer stress the importance of the subject?2 What phrase is used to introduce a series of arguments?3 How does the writer signal that there might be different views?  4 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Then work in pairs and complete the second sentence. believed, claimed, seen, sometimes, supposedly1 It is said that art boosts tourism. However, ... 2 Creativity… belongs to the world of the arts. Nevertheless, ...3 It is widely... that music can help to connect young people from different backgrounds. Additionally,…4 It is often ... that comedy works best when it's cruel. Moreover, ...5 Museums are often… as being of no interest to young people. Therefore, ... 5 Choose one of the topics below and write a for and against essay, in which you will discuss advantages and disadvantages of the presented situation. Follow the rules set in the Writing strategies box and use linking words from the Useful language box. Write between 200 and 250 words.a In order to boost the cultural life in your city, authorities have decided to build a new concert hall. b After some acts of vandalism and violence, there are plans to ban large open-air festivals in Poland.c More and more often, traditional forms of cultural art give way to 'low' entertainment related to new technologies.