7 Przeczytaj teksty (a–c) oraz dotyczące ich zdania (1–4). Do każdego zdania dopasuj właściwy tekst.Uwaga: jeden tekst pasuje do dwóch zdań.1 Technology enslaves us to a certain extent.2 Technology gives people the opportunity to select the jobs they want to do....3 Technology allows people to expand their working environment....4 Technology has made collaboration between employees more effective.a Culture within the workplace has changed so dramatically over the past few decades that it is hard to keep up. Most of this is due to technology and its impact on how people function at the office. Computers and smartphones have replaced a lot of face-to-face communication. As with anything, there are positive and negative sides to this. First of all, working adults under 25 send around 110 text messages per day. While they might get distracted easily from whatever they are supposed to be doing, it also allows for technology to become a tool in the workplace. For example, there are some great apps that help workers to cooperate on projects, which allows for direct and quick feedback to be given. b Technology has also transformed the work culture of 9 to 5. Many young people want to have flexible working hours and believe that as long as they get the job done, this is preferable. Many studies actually show that this approach makes teams more creative and is actually good for a company in the long-run. Also, flexibility can lead to a more diverse workforce and help to bridge the gap between the salaries of men and women that still exists, unfortunately. Despite all of the good things technology has done for office culture, there is definitely a feeling that one needs to be online all the time to succeed. Many companies are now imposing strict limits on how much time an employee is allowed to spend working. They are emphasising that people take breaks and disconnect regularly. Hopefully, this trend will continue and will drive positive change that will make people's lives easier.c How will technology impact the work culture of the future? Experts say that Artificial Intelligence, or Al, will be a huge factor and that it will take over the repetitive and simple jobs. This will allow people to deal with more creative tasks. Many jobs will be lost due to technology in the workplace, but many others will also be created. Certainly, workplaces are becoming more and more. flexible. People are literally able to do their jobs from anywhere at any time. Also, technology will continue to allow companies to talk with their customers and react quickly to the market. While no one can predict the future, let's hope that technology at work will help create a culture that positively impacts our lives. 8 Opisz zdjęcie.1 Is the woman interested in the exhibition? Why do you think so?2 Would you like to be an artist? Why?/Why not? 3 Tell me about your last visit to a museum.  9 W wielu szkołach uczniowie biorą udział w zajęciach chóru szkolnego. Napisz rozprawkę, w której przedstawisz pozytywne i negatywne aspekty tej formy zajęć.Wypowiedź powinna liczyć od 200 do 250 słów i spełniać wszystkie wymogi formy wskazanej w poleceniu.