1 Complete the sentences using the two future forms in bold and the verbs in brackets. Decide which form is the best for each gap.present continuous / be going toThe festival (be) great because some of my favourite bands (play).The festival is going to be great because some of my favourite bands are playing.1 present simple / willWhat do you think you..... (do) after you (leave) school?2 present simple / future continuousLet's hope that when we... (have) the concert outside, it ... (not / rain).3 present perfect / going toThey... (start) the project once they (raise) enough money.4 present continuous / present perfectWe... (go) on a school trip to Hong Kong after we (finish) all our exams.5 will / present continuous...(not/ do) much at the weekend, so I (show) you around the city, if you like.6 present perfect / be about to /willI'm sorry, the film (finish). (start), I (call) you when it  2 Complete the second sentences using 3-5 words - including the words in capitals – so that they have the same meaning as the first sentences.I'll come over to your house after I have finished my homework.AMI'll come over to your house but I am going to finish my homework first.1 The tickets are going to sell out immediately.SOONThe tickets will sell out almost… gone on sale.2 First they're going to repair the houses and then they'll paint them.BEFOREThey're going to repair the houses…. them.3 They need to raise a lot of money so they can complete the project.TOIf... the project, they have to raise a lot of money.4 I don't think that the project will be a failure.SHOULDThe project5 I could meet you when I go shopping in town on Saturday.BEI… in town on Saturday so I could meet you then. 3 Complete the summary with the words in the box.expected, going, than, wasn't, were, wouldIn many ways, Sheffield and Bilbao are similar. By the 1990s, both were post-industrial cities wondering how they were (1)... to cope in the coming years. Like the Guggenheim, the National Centre for Popular Music was (2) to be a landmark building that (3)... boost tourism in the city. Bosses at the Centre (4) hoping for 400,000 visitors a year, but numbers were far lower (5) expected, with only around 140,000 turning up in the first 12 months. People soon realised that the centre on its own (6) ... going to be enough to transform the city, and it closed down before even reaching its second birthday. 4 Complete the second sentences using the words in brackets and 1-3 additional words.1 I had high hopes for it, but it was actually a bit of a letdown.It wasn't as good as… (thought) be.2 I had high expectations, but it totally exceeded them.It was even better than…(expecting) to be.3 They ended up with three million visitors - far more than initially expected.They… (hoping) to get around a million visitors, but ended up with three times that!4 I'd arranged to go out and meet some friends, but in the end I was too tired.I… (going) to go out and meet some friends, but in the end I was too tired.5 I hadn't planned to return yet, but I ran out of money.I… (stay) longer, but I ran out of money. 5 Complete the sentences by choosing the correct forms.1 Hurry up! The film will start / have started by the time. we get there, if we're not careful!2 I'm going/I will have gone to a concert tomorrow night, so can we meet on Friday instead?3 I'm helping / I'll have helped a friend with something tomorrow, but I'll have finished / I'm finishing by five, so I'll call you then.4 I'll have been living / I'm going to live here for the last five years in July.5 I read somewhere that by the time you're 60, you will have been sleeping / slept for twenty years!