1 Read the presentation tips in the box below. Then match the statements 1-5 with topics of presentations (a-g) they could be used with. There are two topics you do not need.A good presentation should have a well-thought opening. Before you go on to present the topic in detail, make sure to:tell or show your audience the agenda (= a list of topics) of your presentation,get your audience interested in your presentation by presenting an unusual fact or asking a surprising question,set the objective of your presentation.1 'I'll start with definitions of some banking terms which we all should know.'2 'I'd like you all to learn how you can become a volunteer in our city.'3 'Have you ever travelled at over 1000 km ph? On land? Impossible, you might say? Well, let's see. 4 'Later on, you will see examples of extreme sports.'5 'I believe my presentation will help you understand how the war started.'a Breaking the speed recordsb Political situation in Europe in the early 20th centuryc Microsoft, Google and Facebook - technological giantsd Passions of young peoplee Help the others! Charity is easy.f A healthy diet - is it possible?g Financial markets and investments 2 Choose one of the two remaining topics. Think of five sentences which you could say as an opening to your presentation. Include the suggestions from the tips above.  3 What to do if you face technical or other problems during your presentation? Rank the following problems from 1 (least disturbing) to 5 (most disturbing).One or two important slides are missing in your presentation.There's a power cut in the middle of your presentation.There's an EXTRA slide which does not belong to your presentation.The information in your slide is obviously false (e.g. 'Warsaw is a popular seaside resort').You have to show a presentation prepared by someone else, which you haven't seen before. What other disturbing situations may a presenter face?  4 Work in pairs. Write three sentences which you could say in each situation in exercise 3 to get over the problem.  5 Prepare a presentation for your classmates. Carefully plan the opening part, then follow your agenda