Lista zadań Strona 149

1 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.annoyed confused embarrassed lonely relaxed1 You feel quite... when you live in the suburbs and there are no neighbours your age around.2 The girl felt really… when she realised she was wearing two different socks.3 Some of the traffic signs were damaged, which made me ... as I had no idea which way to go.4 It's hard to stay... if you have an important exam the next day and you feel you haven't revised enough for it.5 The teacher shouted at us for not completing the project on time. I'd never seen her so... before! 2 Listen to four speakers. Match each speaker (1–4) with the emotion they express (a-e). There is one that you do not need.1 Speaker 1 is2 Speaker 2 is3 Speaker 3 is4 Speaker 4 is a delightedb surprisedc scaredd borede angry    3 For each sentence (1-3), write two questions about the underlined parts.1 Jamie felt really upset about his exam results.2 Shy people often hide their emotions.3 Classical music can cheer you up when you're depressed.  4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in capitals.1 His feelings of... in the new place finally passed when he made friends with Jackie and Steve. LONELY2 The little girl couldn't hide her... when she saw all the presents under the Christmas tree.  EXCITE3 Each of the two teachers gave us completely different instructions, which caused quite a lot of… CONFUSE4 The man came to us with a…  smile on his face. FRIEND5 Alice felt really… It was the first serious exam in her life. NERVE    5 Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.1 Look at Ann. Why… ? What's wrong?a is she cryingb has she criedc does she cry2 Peter has a little problem. His hamster… from the cage and he cannot find it anywhere.a is escapingb has escapedc escapes3 Mary can't hide her feelings. Her face always if… she's excited, bored or upset.a is showingb has shownc shows4 Our lives… more stressful since we were small kids.a are becomingb have becomec become5 You're absolutely right, Peter. I… that we should sometimes hide our emotions.a am agreeingb have agreedc agree 6 Think of a job. Make up questions about the job usingthe clues below.1 where/work?2 how much /training/ need?3 skills / have to learn?4 be/ well-paid?5 you/enjoy/do/ this job?