1 Read the sentences (1-7). Find a verb related to seeing. Then match the verbs with their definitions (a-g).1 The police spotted him leaving the car park in a van. 2 She stole from three different shops and they caught her on security camera each time.3 He only glanced at the woman but he knew who she was immediately.4 I waved at her but I don't think she noticed me because she didn't stop to say hello.5 The person in the photo has been identified as Adam Blackmore.6 Officers observed people leaving and entering the building entrance throughout the night.7 I recognised an old friend at the train station, even though we hadn't been in touch for years.a became aware of someone or something b looked quickly at somethingc saw someone and was able to say who they were d knew who the person was because you had seen them beforee saw someone doing something wrongf saw someone or something because you were looking for themg watched someone or something carefully in order to learn information  2 2 Rewrite the sentences replacing all the words in bold with the correct form of the verbs in exercise 1.   1 I didn't know it was Christophe at first - he's grown a beard since the last time I saw him. 2 I only need to look at a phone number briefly and I can remember it. 3 How many of these people can you put a name to?   4 I looked for you at the park but I didn't see you. Where were you? 5 If my parents see me playing games when I should be doing homework, they take my laptop away.   6 He learnt the job by watching and studying what the other members of staff did. 7 I saw that the window was open when I heard a loud noise outside.     3 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.1 Do you find it easy to recognise people you have only met once?2 Who do you think super-recognisers are and where do they work? 4 Read the article. Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.1 Were you right in your answer about super-recognisers in exercise 3?2 What skills do you need to have to become a super-recogniser?3 Who do super-recognisers mostly work for?