1 Przekształć podane wyrazy tak, aby otrzymać logiczne i poprawne gramatycznie zdania.1 Harry is a real… . People from our department avoid his company. TROUBLE2 Jerry solved the problem at work… and got the promotion a week later. IMMEDIATE3 Brenda is such a ... person that very few people want to work with her. She always wants to be the best. COMPETE4 …. Dan and Robert are very much alike, but they have different personalities. PHYSICAL5 If Lucy were more… she could design her own clothing collection. CREATE6 You can get this job, but first you must bring references from your previous… EMPLOY7 It was my... to prepare invitations for the conference. RESPONSIBLE 2 Spośród podanych propozycji wybierz tę, która najlepiej zastąpi zaznaczony fragment zdania.1 As I have no family obligations at the moment, I can take up a job with flexible working hours. a regularb longc elastic2 My father is a manager in a large company. He is in charge of almost one hundred people.a He is responsible forb He employsc He has to interview3 The manager asked us a lot of questions, but finally he gave us permission to work longer on Monday. a forbade usb encouraged usc allowed us4 I'd like to find a job that is demanding.a well-paidb challengingc regular5 Andrew glanced at his watch and immediately knew he was late for work.a looked at his watch quicklyb observed his watch carefully c noticed his watch accidentally 3 Uzupełnij drugie zdanie, używając podanego wyrazu w niezmienionej formie tak, żeby zachować sens zdania wyjściowego. W każdą lukę można wpisać maksymalnie pięć wyrazów, wliczając wyraz już podany.1 I spent two fabulous weeks in the Bahamas. I'll never forget it. FORGETI'll never… two fabulous weeks in the Bahamas.2 It's fantastic you got this job, but you'll have to get up early to avoid heavy traffic. ΤΟGetting this job will mean…  traffic.3 First, the professor showed a few slides. Then he started answering the questions. ONAfter showing a few slides, the professor went… the questions.4 I called him lazybones and now I'm sorry for that. HIMI regret… lazybones.5 The manager didn't let us have a coffee break because we were behind in our work. TOWe were… a coffee break because we were behind in our work.   4 Wybierz odpowiedź, która poprawnie uzupełnia zdanie.1 If you want to stay on the job, you... to cooperate with other workers.a oughtb shouldc must2 When Brenda worked in a local shop, she sometimes dealt... unpleasant customers.a fromb withc for3 I was not sure if I had switched off the computer in my office, so I had to go... and check it.a inb backc along4 It's easy for me to say a lot about people I've never met from the... they dress.a fashionb methodc way5 At the last meeting, my boss gave… some prizes to the best workers.a away b inc up