1 Complete the sentences with the pairs of verbs in the box. Change the form of the verbs where necessary.go on + chat regret + informstop + dotry + talkgo on + winremember + putstop + lookregret + do remember + settry + open1 I know she's angry, but you haven't even… to her yet.  I'm sure she'd listen. .2 He… the door, but the key got stuck in the lock. 3 ... my mobile phone charger in my bag, but it isn't there now.4 Can you ... your alarm for 7.30 tomorrow morning, please?5 The team started badly, but they ... the match.6 It was late, but they... into the night.7 Can you ... that? It's really annoying!8 I… in the window of the new shop in the high street.9 We... you that you will not be accepted for a place at the college.10 It was a stupid thing to do, but I don't... it because it was such good fun. 2 2 Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.1 Do I must / have to answer this email?2 I have a good typing speed now, but I couldn't / shouldn't type very well when I started. 3 My boss says I should / ought go to the conference. 4 Receptionists mustn't often / don't often have to work after the office closes.5 The old stars of silent films didn't need to / needn't have good voices.6 We can't / aren't allowed to talk to our colleagues. The boss thinks we're wasting time!  3 Complete the sentences with must or can't.1 A: It's eight o'clock. Is Paco still at work? B: Yes. He... love his job!2 A: Oh, no! The printer's broken again! B: It…  be. It was working ten minutes ago.3 A: Oh, that's your phone. B: It... be Shona - she said she would call.4 A: You know Kristina's leaving? B: Really? That... be true. She told me she likes her job. 4 Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first sentence. Use a form of can, could, have to or must.1 I really think it is important for me to eat less sugar.I really... less sugar.2 They weren't allowed to take breaks during work hours.They... during work hours.3 Is it obligatory to wear a helmet when you ride a bicycle in your country?… when you ride a bicycle in your country?4 It isn't possible to use the printer because there isn't any paper.You… because there isn't any paper.5 It wasn't necessary for him to buy a new phone. He... a new phone.6 Smoking was permitted in the building until last year.You... in the building until last year.7 The manager says that it is necessary to arrive at the shop half an hour before it opens.We... at the shop half an hour before it opens. 5 Translate the Polish fragments of the sentences into English.1 When I was younger (nie wolno mi było) to touch my parents' computer.2 When (musimy powiedzieć) the teacher if we can't go on the school trip?3 Working with criminals (nie może być) an easy job for police officers.4 We (nie musieliśmy kończyć) the project yesterday, so we had some free time.5 Luckily, he (zdołał przyjechać) on time.