1 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. 1 Do you use your hands much when you speak?2 What do you talk about with your friends? And with your parents?   2 Work in pairs. Describe the picture, then answer the questions.1 Do you think it is a formal or an informal meeting? Why do you think so? 2 Do you find it easier to talk to people face-to-face, text them or talk tothem on the phone? Why?3 Tell your partner about a time when you joined a discussion on social media.  3  Match words in column A with words in column B to make expressions about communication.A1 get2 interpersonal3 make4 pay 5 share6 connect7 get 8 post 9 respond10 sendBa connectionsb photosc skillsd distractede attentionf my message outg withh textsi on social mediaj to texts  4 Complete the sentences with expressions in exercise 3. Which comments are about communicating using technology?1 If I want to make a point, I prefer face-to-face conversations. I don't find it easy to... people if I'm not in the same room as them.2 I know I can't…  if I'm looking at my mobile. I get distracted. 3 I think I have good…  My friends say I'm a good listener.4 I probably... about ten times a day and I respond to my friends' messages straight away. It's rude to make them wait.5 If I want to share a message or photo, I… 6 I join in on a lot of online forums. It's a great way to…  and get my message out.  5 Work in pairs. Are the comments in exercise 4 true for you? Change them to make them true and tell your partner.I find phone conversations just as easy as speaking face to face, except with my grandfather - he's terrible on the phone!  6 What's the difference between the words?an argumenta chata conversationa debatea discussion 7 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.1 Who do you find it easy to have a chat with?2 When was the last time you had a bad argument? Is there anything you could have said to avoid the argument or make it less emotional?3 Have you ever taken part in a debate? What was the topic?