1 Read some questions (1-7) Chris Hadfield was asked. Match them with his responses (a-g).1 'You'll be away from Earth for five months. Will you get lonely?'2 'What does it feel like to look down at Earth during a spacewalk?'3 'Did you take a guitar to space?'4 'I want to be an astronaut. I'm seven years old. What do I need to do?'5 'What is it like to sleep without gravity?'6 'I'm wondering - how often do you hit your head each day?'7 'Which part of the world looks the coolest from space?'a 'It is beautiful. The colours and textures, the global view, the chance to have Everest and the Himalayas under your feet.'b There was already one waiting for me! It's been up here since 2001.'c The most beautiful to me are the Bahamas - you can see every shade of blue there. But honestly, it's difficult to have one favourite place.'d 'About once a day!'e 'No! On the ISS there are people on the radio, family are just a phone call away, and I have the other team members to chat with.'f 'It is wonderful - you can relax every part of your body.'g 'You must be healthy (eat your vegetables and do some exercise) and smart (do your homework).'Reported statements and questionsWhat is it like to sleep without gravity?' → Someone asked Chris what it was like to sleep without gravity. 'Will you get lonely?'-Someone asked him if he would get lonely.'Did you take your guitar to space?'-One person asked whether he had taken his guitar to space.'A guitar has been up here since 2001. Chris said that a guitar had been up there since 2001.More explanation in Grammar reference on p. 42. 2 Read the Grammar box and answer the questions.1 When we report statements and questions, verbs usually stay the same / change to a past tense. 2 Pronouns and time expressions (you, my, now, this) often / never change.3 When we report questions with a question word / yes / no questions, we use if or whether.4 At the end of reported questions, there is a question mark / full stop. 5 In reported questions the subject is before / after the auxiliary verb.6 In reported questions the auxiliary verb do, does, didis necessary / not necessary. 3 Complete the reported speech with the words.couldfelthadhadwaswas What does it feel like to look down at Earth during a spacewalk?' 'It is beautiful."1 One person asked what it... like to look down at Earth. Chris replied that it was beautiful.2 'I have hit my head about once a day!' Chris admitted he... hit his head about once a day. 3 'Honestly, it's difficult to have one favourite place.' He complained that it... difficult to have a favourite place.4 'Sleeping without gravity is wonderful - you can totally relax.' He claimed that sleeping without gravity wonderful. He added that you ... totally relax.5 To be an astronaut you must be healthy and smart.' He explained that you ... to be healthy and smart. 4  Look at the verbs in bold in exercise 3. Match six of the verbs with the definitions.1 say something in answer to someone else 2 say something more3 say something so the listener understands it clearly 4 say that something is true, especially when you are unhappy or sorry about it5 say that you are not happy about something 6 say that something is true, even when it is not certain  5 Use the prompts to report more statements and questions about the ISS mission.1 'Do you do experiments every day?' Tim asked Chris. DIDTim asked Chris every day.2 'I do, but I don't do many experiments on Saturdays or Sundays,' replied Chris. DIDN'TChris replied that he... on Saturdays and Sundays.3 Chris explained: 'I can help to educate the public about space exploration through social media." HEChris explained… about space exploration through social media.4 'I'm still learning!' admitted Chris. HEChris....