1 Work in pairs. There is a group of students from Asia coming to your school and you will spend a few days with them. Discuss the following aspects:attractions to show themquestions to ask about their culturethe main information about your schoollanguages to use 2 2 Read the article. Match the headings (a–f) with the paragraphs (1-5). There is one heading you do not need.a Let's get togetherb A two-way thingc Body languaged Communication stylese Communicating without words.f Accurate opinions?  3 Read the article again. Choose the correct option. 1 What was the aim of the experiment?a to compare Moroccan and Chinese communication skills.b to prove that some nations are unable to understand each other.c to understand interactions between people of different cultures speaking different languages.2 What was Fatima's general opinion about Americans. before she met them?a She couldn't imagine what they might be like at all. b She had some stereotypical ideas about Americans, which didn't prove correct.c She knew what kind of people she was going to meet, so nothing surprised her.3 Why was Hyan Yu annoyed?a Because Eleni wasn't listening to him.b Because the way she spoke was hard for him to understand.C Because he misunderstood some of her non-verbal signals.4 Which group was the most direct in their interactions?a the Americansb the Chinesec the Moroccans5 What does the author suggest as a result of the experiment?a The students learnt that you can communicate with anyone you wish if you only want to.b The students learnt that it is easier to communicate if you understand intercultural differences and body language.c The students understood that the most valuable communication is only possible within one culture.  4 4 Match the words from the article (1-6) withthe definitions (a-f).1 urgent (line 11) 2 background (line 16) 3 stereotype (line 24) 4 fluent (line 30) 5 direct (line 49)6 passionately (line 52)a the culture and family someone comes from b set ideas about people or nationalities, often not true. c with emotiond important, high-priority e clear and honest f able to speak a foreign language well  5 The author uses direct speech in the article. Find four quotes. Why is direct speech used? 6 Match the quotes in the article with the points (1–4). It is important to:1 be aware of your own culture and be able to explain it. 2 understand why miscommunication happens.3 recognise how all types of communication can help understanding.4 be curious about other cultures.  7 Add the correct prefixes to make the adjectives negative.1 ...patient2 …aware3 …direct4 ...formal5 ...personal6 …regular7 ...possible8 ...relevant9 …true  8 Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.1 This intercultural experiment was quite usual / unusual.2 The Americans were surprised at how personal / impersonal and friendly the Moroccans were.3 The Moroccans realised their ideas about stereotypes were true / untrue.4 Eleni was aware/ unaware she was annoying Hyan Yu.  9 Work in groups. Discuss the questions.1 Does 'international' mean the same as 'intercultural'? What are the differences?2 What are the best ways to increase intercultural understanding between people from different countries? Which is the most effective?