1 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.1 What apps do you know that can help people learn languages? What do they do?2 How will computers help us learn languages in the future?3 How could computer technology help if you didn't know how to explain what you wanted in English? 2 2 Listen to an interview with Nick, who has developed a languagelearning app. Put the questions the interviewer asks in the order you hear them.a Did the users know the app's secret?b How does the app work?c What do users need to do if they want to use the app?d Where does the idea come from?e What does your company do?f Will the app be available for English learners soon?  3 Work in pairs. Listen again, then discuss the answers to the questions in exercise 2. 4 Work in pairs. Who says these things? Match each speaker (1-5) with the comment (a–j). Then listen again to check.1 the interviewer2 Nick3 the app website4 anyone with an iPhone5 Javiera 'Yes, of course!'b 'Can you tell me a bit about the app?'c 'Siri, find a good restaurant near here!'d 'We should use texting as the way people communicate with the app.' e Text me and I'll help!'f 'If you want to use the app, add this number to your phone contacts.'g 'Let's look at an example.'h 'It isn't actually a chat bot, it's me.''I really think you should try this app. It's great.'j 'Remember to come back in five years' time, because computers will keep on learning.'  5 Reporting verbs are sometimes followed by other verbs. Match the verbsin bold in the Grammar box with the structures.1 Some reporting verbs are followed by to + infinitive, e.g…. 2 Some reporting verbs are followed by someone + to + infinitive, e.g........ 3 Some reporting verbs are followed by the -ing form, e.g….