6 Match the two parts of the sentences.1 The app promises2 The website invited people3 Nick offered4 Nick admitted5 The first user recommended6 Nick reminds usa being the app.b to help.c to add the app's number to their contacts. d to show how the app works with an example. e to come back in five years' time.f using Nick's app to others on Facebook. 7 Choose the correct options to complete the review.A friend (1) told / suggested me to download a new app to help me learn vocabulary. He (2) explained / admitted not using it himself, but he (3) offered / suggested trying it for a few days. It (4) promises / reminds to teach you ten new words every day. The premium version is $5, but if you (5) invite / suggest a friend to sign up for it, you get $3 off. (You can also (6) promise / ask your parents to pay for it - tell them it's for study!) It's quite good fun because it turns learning English into a game. Sometimes I (7) invite / agree to let my little sister play it. | (8) offered / told to show my English teacher how it works. She thought that some of the vocabulary it teaches isn't very useful. She (9) reminded / promised me to do my homework as well, and not to only study with the app. I think she's right - I'd (10) ask / recommend spending ten minutes a day on the app, but no more. 8 Work in pairs. Read about the Turing test. Then read items 1-7 and decide which are the best ones to find out if you are speaking to a human or a bot.The Turing test is a competition for computer 'bots' - programs that try to speak in the way humans do. The person taking the test 'chats' via text message and interacts with either the bot or with a human. The bot wins if the tester believes they are interacting with a human. But what can you do in a Turing test to find out whether you are talking to a human or a computer? Here are some ideas.1 Could you give me your definition of love, please?2 Would you like to ask me anything?3 Why don't we play chess?4 Are there any problems in your life you would like to talk about? I'd be happy to listen.5 Do this sum: 34,789 + 74,203.6 Actually, I'm also a computer. How does that make you feel?7 I think you should use more emoticons. It will make you seem more human. 9 Translate the Polish fragments of the sentences into English.1 The famous Youtuber (zaprosił swoich fanów, żeby obejrzeli)... his new video clip.2 Many teachers (nie zalecają oglądania) voiceover films to language learners. They say subtitles are more useful.3 After exchanging a few remarks, the man (przyznał, że nie mówi po angielsku) too fluently. 4 Our teachers often (przypominają nam, żebyśmyużywali) polite phrases like 'Thank you' or 'I'm sorry.' the 5 (Zaoferowałem, że przetłumaczę)boy's words  into Polish for her, but she said she understood Polish a little. 10 Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use the word in capitals. Do not change the form of this word. You may use between two and five words in each gap.1 I didn't understand her language so I said we should speak English.SUGGESTEDI didn't understand her language so I…2 Peter offered to pass my message to Sarah. CANI …. message to Sarah if you want,' said Peter.3 The task wasn't easy but Jimmy said he would help me. PROMISEDThe task wasn't easy but…4 'No way, I won't talk to Mrs Townsend about your exams,' said Frank. AGREEFrank... to Mrs Townsend about my exams.5 Peter never tells the teachers that he doesn't have his homework. ADMITSPeter never homework. 11 Work in pairs. Write questions you would ask to find out if you are chatting to a human or a computer. Work with a different partner. Ask and answer your questions. 12  CHOOSE1 Report the best questions and answers in exercise 11 to your group.2 Write a summary of the best questions and answers in exercise 11. Use reported speech.My partner asked me to tell her a joke. I saidI didn't know any jokes in English.3 Search online for a chat bot and have a conversation with it. Tell a partner about your conversation. Decide which chat bot was the best and why.