1 Read the Authentic listening skills box. Listen to the first sentence of the TED talk. Write down the words you hear. What does Celeste want the audience to do? 2 Work in pairs and explain the meaning of the words and phrases in the box. Use a dictionary if necessary.stick to polarised dividedwalk somebody throughin advancepunditassumeset asideoverlooked skillpontificateclaim equate 3 Listen to the extract from the TED Talk about the speaker. Check if you know the words in the box. host competence a compromise brief offensive 4 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.1 When you talk to people you don't know very well, what are 'safe' topics to talk about?2 Which topics should you definitely avoid? 5 Listen to part 1 of the talk. According to Celeste, are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? 1 Even the weather and your health aren't safe topics of conversation any more.2 Smartphones are helping kids improve their interpersonal skills.3 Celeste agrees with the advice everyone has heard about how to show that you are paying attention. 6 Listen to part 2 of the talk. Complete Celeste's ten tips for having a better conversation. Use ten of the words.TED 2.2brief  details listen experience flow know learn multitask open-ended quiet repeat talk1 Don't…2 Enter every conversation assuming that you have something to… 3 Use... questions. Start questions with who, what, when, where, why or how.4 Go with the.... Thoughts will come into your mind and you need to let them go out of your mind.5 If you don't..., say that you don't know.6 Don't equate your… with theirs.7 Try not to… yourself.8 Leave out the....9 …. It's the number one most important skill that you can develop.10 Be…