1 1 Listen to conversations in which speakers want changes in their situations. Match the conversation (1-3) with the speaker who wants:a a second chance to do something b to get some money backc to replace something that isn't right  2 Choose the correct option to complete each dialogue.1 A: Let's meet again tomorrow. We'll finish the project then.B: …my uncle is coming tomorrow, so I won't have a chance to come to you.A: Oh, I see. Thursday then?a That's a shame, but...b Unfortunately, ...c I'm sorry to hear that. You see, .....2 A: Peter left school earlier yesterday. Didn't he let you know earlier?B: No, I had no idea about it! I wasted so much time waiting for him!A:... he didn't act very politely.a I understand, but...b Yes, that is frustrating, ...c I see...3 A: Diane's parents are getting divorced.B: …his will be a hard time for Diane.A: Yes, I guess we'll need to support her as much as possible.a That's a pity, ...b I understand, but...I hear what you are saying, but ... 3 Work in pairs. One of you is a guest at a hotel who complains about one of the services. The other is a receptionist. Discuss the following aspects. Use the phrases form the Useful language box in your discussion.details of the complaintreasons why the problem occurredconsequences of the problempossible ways to fix the problem 4 Work in pairs. Choose two of the situations (1–4). Roleplay them with your partner, using expressions from the Useful language box. Take turns to be the sympathetic listener.1 A friend lost a 1,000-word essay. He turned the computer off before he saved it.2 A teammate can't play in the basketball final because they aren't good enough. You are the team captain. 3 A teacher failed a classmate in an exam because they saw them using their mobile phone. They say they were only turning the sound off, but you are the teacher and you know they were texting someone.4 You forgot to lock the garage door last night. Your sister's motorbike was stolen.  5 Work in pairs. Decide which of the situations presented in exercise 4 would be the most serious problem for you. Give reasons for your choice. Also, explain why the other three are less serious. Then, answer the questions.1 Is it easy to be a sympathetic listener?2 What are typical situations in which young people face unexpected problems and have to turn for help to others?