1 Work in pairs. Tell your partner about any problems you have had buying tickets, clothes, online services, etc.  2 Read the email and answer the questions.1 What did Diane Truman want to buy?2 What problem did she have paying for it?3 Was her phone call to the company successful? Why?/Why not?4 What three things does she want the company to do?Dear Sir/Madam,Email MessageI am writing to complain about the poor customer service I received from Strand Records recently. On April 23rd, I bought an album online (order number YH6398X). I tried to use a ten-pound voucher I had been given for my birthday. Unfortunately, your website did not accept it. Consequently, I had to pay for the album by credit card. When I listened to the album, I discovered that the wrong file had been downloaded. Although the artist was correct, it was an old album, which I already have. I phoned your helpline, but despite your company's good reputation for customer service, the man I spoke to was not very helpful. He suggested entering the voucher code again, but when I explained that I had already done this, he said it was company policy not to give new codes. What is more, he suggested I was trying to get a free album, which was very rude.I'm really dissatisfied with my experience with Strand Records. Nevertheless, I am sure that you can make the situation right. I would like a refund for the money I spent on the old album as well as a new voucher code so that I can spend my birthday gift. Also, I expect an apology from your helpline for the trouble you have caused. I am attaching a copy of the voucher with the code that didn't work.I look forward to hearing from you soon.Yours faithfully,Diane Truman 3  WRITING TIPS Using formal linkersa Look at the Useful language box. Find the words and phrases in Diane's email. Which heading in the Useful language box could you put them under?althoughwhat is moreconsequentlydespiteneverthelessb Complete the sentences in a way that makes sense.1 I had to wait to be served for twenty minutes. As a result, ...2 In my experience, customer service in your shop is usually good. However, ...3 The phone was not the right colour. As well as this, ...4 Even though the menu didn't look very exciting, ... 5 It took us more than an hour to buy tickets for the concert. In spite of this, ... Useful languageExpressing contrast: in spite of, even though, while, however, even so Expressing result: as a result, because of this, thereforeExpressing addition: in addition, as well as this, moreover, furthermore  4 Put the features of an email or letter of complaint in the order that they appear in Diane's email.a a clear demand for a solutionb a description of what happenedc a formal closingd a formal openinge details of any attachments.f the reason for writing 5 Choose one item/service and write a letter of complaint in which you describe the details of your purchase and the problems that occurred, as well as your suggestions regarding how the problem should be solved.Write between 200 and 250 words. Use linkers to help you organise your writing.More about a letter of complaint in Writing guide on p. 151.  6 Swap your letter with a classmate. Decide how sympathetic your response should be, then write a reply to your classmate's letter.