1 1 Complete the reported speech with the correct form of say, tell or ask.1 Did you... that you wanted a cheese sandwich? 2 I… you the hotel didn't have a swimming pool.3 They... that they didn't want to see the film. because it started too late.4 He… me what the time was because he didn't have a watch.5 Can I... you where you bought that dress? It's very beautiful.6 It wasn't easy to… the audience that the show had been cancelled.    2 Complete the reported speech sentences.1 I  go there every Saturday. She said that she… there every Saturday.2 I didn't enjoy that meal at all.'  He told me that he... the meal at all.3 'They're starting at the new school in two weeks.'  He said they ... at the new school in two weeks.4 'We'll find out the winner next week.' He said that they … the winner the following week.5 'I can't see the whiteboard.' He told the teacher that he… the whiteboard.6 'I visited the museum after I'd studied Egyptian history.' He told me he the museum after he... Egyptian history.7 'It's alright, everyone. I've found my phone.' She said that she… her phone.8 'While you're here, you must visit the castle.' I told them that while they… there, they… the castle. 3 Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first.1 'I've been in Antarctica with my team for six months.' She told the reporter that…2 'I'm studying small fish that live here.' She explained…3 I arrived last November, at the beginning of summer.' She said…4 'The temperature is -25° today.'  She told him that the temperature…5 'I don't want to leave this magical place.' She said that...6 'But I can't stay. I must catch the plane to New Zealand tomorrow.' But she explained that… 4 Report the questions. Use He asked her ...1 'What kind of camera do you use for your videos?' 2 'How many videos have you posted on YouTube?" 3 'Are you happy with the number of people who watch your videos?'4 'Do you post videos every day?'5 'Have you ever made a video that people didn't like?' 6 'Will you ever stop posting on YouTube?"  5 Complete the reported speech using these verbs in the correct form and three more words. Contractions count as one word.addcomplainadmitaskclaimexplainreplytell1 Jerry: 'Oh, no! This is terrible. We've run out of chocolate.' Jerry... run out of chocolate.2 Jerry: 'Paulo, did you eat it?' He... had eaten it.3 Paulo: 'No, it wasn't me.' Paulo... been him.4 Paulo: 'And anyway, I'm not eating chocolate at the moment.' He... eating chocolate at that time.5 Paulo: 'You see, I'm on a diet.' He… on a diet.6 Jerry: 'But I saw you eating chocolate this morning!' Jerry… seen him eating chocolate that morning.7 Paulo: 'OK, it was me. I ate it.' Finally, Paulo... eaten it.8 Jerry: 'Well, you must buy some more next time you're at the shops.' Jerry…  some more. 6 Match the two parts of the sentences.1 The doctor recommends2 He suggested3 He's invited4 I told5 One student admitted6 She asked me7 She offered to8 Thanks for remindinga give me a lift.b me to buy Michaela a present.c me to have dinner at his house. d playing a game while we waited.e staying in bed for a few days.f to buy some bread when I went shopping.g cheating in an exam.h you to stay in the classroom while I was gone.