1 Translate the Polish fragments of the sentences into English.1 She regretted that she (nie przekonała swoich zwolenników) to support that idea.2 He answered that (nieregularne ładowanie baterii) hadn't caused that defect.3 My boss promised that (dołączy swoje przeprosiny) to his next email.4 I knew that the customer (nie wprowadziła kodu) of her gift voucher correctly.5 They wanted to know (kto prowadzi moje konto w mediach społecznościowych).... 2 Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.1 When you write to a friend, it is usually an…  letter or email.a impersonalb informalc indirect2 What is the reason… such a company policy?a inb ofc for3 Their client expected a… for the money he had paid.a demandb refundc register4 He did not want to… that he was wrong.a admitb appearc act5 They had to hurry up, so they made a/an decision.a accurateb directc urgent  3 Complete each sentence with the word that best fits the gap.1 Pilots and astronauts are often fluent… foreign languages.2 If she needs to get her message out, she should join in ... a forum.3 The tone... her voice and body language showed how annoyed she was.4 Sam prefers voiceover films, …musicals, where he chooses subtitles.5 If you have a problem, turn for help… a sympathetic and energetic person. 4  Use the word in capitals to form a word that fits in the gap.1 Experts claim that frequent... can affect relationships.ARGUE2 They tried to help carry her bag but she... their intentions.UNDERSTAND3 He said that those… were rude and showed disrespect.COMPLAIN4 The debate members were getting… impatient when one man didn't let them speak.INCREASE5 When you get among people from different cultures, you can feel a bit…COMFORT