1 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.1 Look at the photo and read the caption. Is this something you would enjoy watching? Have you seen similar performances?2 What forms of entertainment do you particularly enjoy? Are there any that don't interest you at all?  2 Work in groups. Discuss the questions.1 Where can you see art and live entertainment in your area?2 What are the advantages of watching live performances (theatre, music, sports, etc.) over watching at home? What disadvantages are there?3 Which school events involve special costumes, masks or make-up? 3 Which is the odd one out in each group? Why? Use a dictionary if necessary.1 broadcast/ edit / produce /TV programme2 audience / characters / listeners / viewers3 a theatre /a musical / a performance/ a play / a production4 a drawing / a mural / a portrait / a sculpture5 stadium / exhibition / gallery / studio / venue 6 concert / lyrics / tune / verse 4 Put the words in exercise 3 into the categories. Add more words in each category. Then add one new category of entertainment of your choice.ArtMusicTheatreTV/Radio 5 Which option is more likely? Why?1 I love the lyrics / verses of this song because they say what I'm feeling. 2 She's planning a large mural / sculpture to decorate the side of the new children's hospital.3 The president made a ten-minute broadcast / production to explain the economic situation.4 More than five million listeners / viewers watched last night's programme. 5 She works in a small gallery / studio in her garden.  6 Complete the sentences with the pairs of words.broadcast + viewersstadium + concertsmural + portrait tune + lyricsplay+theatrevenues + audience1 For me, a good song is something you can dance to, with a catchy… and memorable....2 If I had some art in my bedroom, I'd prefer a bright… to a… of someone. 3 There's a ... on at our local ... at the moment about a murder on a train. 4 I prefer going to shows in small... like clubs and halls, where the… is close to the stage. That's a magic feeling.5 There's a football… near where I live where they sometimes put on classical music...6 Ranczo is a popular TV show in my country. It is… to millions of… around the country. 7 Use five of the expressions in bold in exercise 6 to make sentences that are true for you.