1 1 Match the two parts of the sentences.1 He's an Italian artist2 Come From Away is the new show3 There are some well-written songs4 If you could recommend just one podcast 5 They were the first band.a I saw live.b which opened last night on Toronto's Broadway.  c the audience really enjoyed.d who paints people to look like animals.e that I should listen to, which would it be?  2 Look at the sentences in the Grammar box. Which word in bold:1 could be replaced by who? Which one could be replaced by which?2 is the subject of the verb in the relative clause? Which is the object?3 could be omitted?Defining relative clausesa It's a show that is on every week.b He's a singer that I can listen to all day long.More explanation in Grammar reference on p. 58. 3 Combine the sentences into one. Use the relative clause and omit relative pronouns if possible.1 The play wasn't very good. I saw it last week. The play... very good.2 The Shakespeare production sold only 100 tickets. It closed after only two weeks. The Shakespeare production,... 100 tickets.3 The book has become a bestseller. He wrote it in 2018 and published it in French. The book… a bestseller.4 The actress has been given a pay raise. She demanded the same salary as her male  colleagues.The actress… a  pay raise.5 The character was played by Mara Wilson. She spoiled the story for me.The character… the story for me.6 You're talking about that documentary on New York, aren't you? We saw it together last night.You're talking about… last night, aren't you? 4 4 Complete the paragraph about body painters with the information in sentences (1-8). Use relative clauses.1 Johannes Stötter uses human models to make art. 2 You cannot see the people because they are covered in paint.3 The images have made him famous.4 The painting became popular in 2013.5 He made the video to show how the image was created.6 Art cleverly tricks the eye in this way.7 These artists use the human body as their canvas*. 8 The best international artists compete in the bodypainting championships each year.Johannes Stötter is an Italian artist (1).... He creates images of animals and plants with people (2)… The images (3)... are sculptures and they can take up to eight hours to complete. He painted a tropical frog (4)..., then a video (5)… went viral. We seem to love any art (6).... Johannes Stötter is one of a number of artists (7)..., but he is perhaps the best known. In fact, a few years ago, he won the bodypainting championships (8)…canvas cloth used by painters to paint on  5 Put the lines of the blog entry in the correct order.Hi guys,a they were moving to was so lively and dynamic that many of the viewersb that I recorded is available on my Facebook profile. Write in the comments about the showsc who stopped to watch the show started dancing along with the artist! This was the best showd I want to tell you about a fascinating performance.e I saw a few days ago in my city. There was a group of street dancersf who presented several Latino dances for the audience. The music thatg I had seen for years! A short video of the show h that you found amazing! 6 Work in groups. Complete the sentences to make a quiz. Read your sentences to other students to guess the answers.1 He's an actor… starred in… 2 The book…  tells the story of…3 The singer… gave a concert…4 The song… has the line ' in the chorus.6 An artist… uses in his work.5 The director... won an Academy Award for…