1 Work in pairs. Describe the photo, then answer the questions. 1 Why do you think the woman is more interested in her phone than the pyramid?2 Is it justified to ban using mobile phones in some places? Why?/Why not? 3 Tell your partner about a time when you used your phone to quickly find information you needed.  2 Choose three aspects of culture from the list below that you enjoy most and three that you enjoy least. Tell your partner why and discuss how much time you spend doing these things.art, e.g. art websites, exhibitions funny videos live musicfilms at the cinema poems and short storiesclassical musicplays at the theatreshort films or animationstalks, e.g. TED Talksother people's social media sitesTV or radio shows and podcastspop music and videos 3 Look at the sentences in the Grammar box. Try reading them without the relative clauses in bold. Which relative clause contains information which completes the meaning of the sentence (defining relative clause)?Defining and non-defining relative clausesa Artez's style, which he describes as mixing photorealism with illustration, is influenced by other artists.b The Maclaim crew were some of the first people to create murals which almost look like photos.c After seeing Marc Crilley, who is one of the original YouTube manga artists, Sophie was inspired to upload her first painting video in 2008.d She was able to self-publish The Ocean of Secrets, her first book, which came out in 2015.More explanation in Grammar reference on p. 58. 4 Look at the sentences in the Grammar box again. Answer the questions.1 Which relative pronoun can be replaced by that?2 Can any of the relative pronouns be omitted?3 What do you notice about the punctuation in these sentences?More exercises in Grammar practice on p. 59. Do exercises 4-7. 5 Listen to a radio show about FOMO. What is it? Do you ever get it?  6 Complete the sentence beginnings (1-5) with the relative clauses (a–e). Add which or who if the clause is non-defining, and that if it is defining. Use commas where necessary. Then listen again to check.1 Perhaps you stay up late just to play the video game2 It's the last night they're showing The Last Jedi3 It's the final episode of the show4 You know that tomorrow you're going to find out what happens from your friends5 And this creates a worrya everyone is talking about.b everyone's watching. c won't go away.d will be watching it right now.e you've been meaning to see for ages.