1 Work in pairs. Whose recommendations do you trust most for things like books, restaurants and tourist attractions? Put the following in order (1-5) where 1 is the most trustworthy. Do you use recommendations from anyone else? reviews in newspapers and magazines.online comments by members of the public friends and familythe tourist information officefamous people  2 Listen to people talking about the same tourist attraction. What do they agree about? What do they disagree about? 3 Look at the Useful language box. Are the expressions more likely to be said by a friend (F), a TV presenter (TV) or both (B)?Useful languageAsking for recommendations Is it worth watching/seeing/ visiting/reading?What did you think (about...)? Is it any good?Making recommendations You must go!I'll send you the link.You won't want to miss this.It's worth watching.I highly recommend it. ... is well worth seeing.… is a must-see.Showing reservationIt was OK/alright, I suppose. I wouldn't bother if I were you. I didn't think it was great. You might like it if you've got nothing else to do.If you enjoyed..., you'll love... It'll appeal to anyone who enjoys...I don't normally like..., but... I would recommend it to people who...  4 Listen again. Which expressions in the Useful language box do you hear?  5 For each category below, write the names of one example that you would recommend and one that you wouldn't recommend.an art worka bookan online video clipa theatre productiona filma TV show  6 Work in pairs. Look at your partner's list. Ask and answer questions about your recommendations and reservations. 7 You are at a tourist information office and you need some information about the city. Discuss the topics. Use phrases in the Useful language box.best way to move aroundhistoric places to visitentertainmentpossible dangers