1 Przekształć podane wyrazy tak, aby otrzymać logiczne i poprawne gramatycznie zdania.1 The 212 bronze and granite… in Vigeland Park in Oslo are amazing. SCULPT 2 The... by Leonardo da Vinci, 'Vitruvian Man' shows a man in two positions, with his arms and legs apart inscribed in a circle and square.DRAW3 Some artists enjoy great..., but does it mean they are good artists?POPULAR4 What are, in your opinion, the ten most popular cultural... in the world?ATTRACT5 After the show, the magician engaged in a… talk with the audience.LIVE6 At school, I had to read…  and then discuss it, which was rather difficult for me.POET  2 Uzupełnij lukę w każdym zdaniu pasującym wyrazem.1 … me, a meeting with a writer is a chance to talk about literature.2 Learning the... of English songs is an effective way of remembering new words.3 The stage-manager chose a city park as a place for the opera ...4 A live TV... from the Oscar Award Ceremony gathered millions of people in front of TV screens. 5 The... gave a standing ovation to the actors when the play ended. 3 Uzupełnij drugie zdanie tak, żeby zachować sens zdania wyjściowego.1 Amateur actors prepared an avant-garde performance. It was broadcast live.Amateur actors prepared an avant-garde… live.2 I often talk with one of my neighbours. He is an actor in the local theatre.I often talk with one of my…  in the local theatre.3 Instagram is a social networking service. It was created 10 years ago.Instagram,… 10 years ago, is a social networking service.4 My younger sister is only 5 years old. She already knows how to upload a video.My younger sister,... years old, already knows how to upload a video. 5 Johnny Depp is a famous actor and musician. He was born in the USA.Johnny Depp,... the USA, is a famous actor and musician.  4 Przetłumacz fragmenty zdań podane w nawiasach na język angielski.1 (Emily woli czytać) detective stories to romances.2 It (nie ma sensu) to study at art college if your aren't going to become an artist.3 A visit to the National Gallery in London (zrobiła duże wrażenie) on me.4 (Nie zawracałbym sobie głowy) if I knew you could solve this problem yourself.5 Does it (robi jakąś różnicę) for you in which art gallery your paintings will be shown?  5 Wybierz odpowiedź, która poprawnie uzupełnia zdanie.1 To make… of talent, a future artist must practise a lot.a mostb muchc the most2 I had a painter make portraits of my family members. However, my brother doesn't ... himself.a look likeb strike asc act like3 The leader of the popular band made quite a… by saying he was leaving the group.a splashb catchc hit4 By advising young students on how to draw and paint, my friend... a good living.a hasb makesc gets5 One of the elderly actors in the theatre decided to retire to make... for a younger one.a roadb pathc way