1 Match the problems (1-5) with the people (a–e) who can help you.Who will you turn to if you...1 need a computer programme made especially for your company?2 get a toothache too often?3 want to give an interview about your activities to a local magazine?4 want to make sure your company's financial reports are correct?5 are not sure how to interpret legal regulations?a lawyerb dentistc journalistd software developere accountant 2 Complete the text with the correct prepositions.I'm in Grade 2 of my high school and it is still really hard for me to decide (1)… a job I want to do in the future.I generally agree (2) my parents, who claim that I should go to university. It's obvious that my career depends (3)... my education. But I still have two options to choose from: engineering or biotechnology. I know I will have to make up my mind before I graduate (4)... high school, but for now, both options seem equally attractive. All I know is that I will surely apply (5)... a place at one of the most prestigious universities in Poland. 3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the past simple or the past perfect.1 Jeremy (show) me a few gadgets he and his team (invent) in their laboratory.2 Sandra (spend) a few weeks getting ready before she (start) the project.3 Mike (not / get) a job as a photographer because he (not / work) for a photo agency before.4 The explorers (discover) a rare species of monkey that (live) on the island for thousands of years. 5 Where (you / train) martial arts before you (come) to teach karate at our school? 4 Rewrite the sentences using reported speech.1 These sportsmen are really fit,' said John. John said that…2 'I'm trying to find a more challenging job,' said Mark. Mark said....3 'My lawyer didn't send the documents on time,' said Jimmy. Jimmy said…4 'I want to become a professional sailing instructor,' said Andrew. Andrew said…5 'Our local factory has closed down,' said Gina. Gina said…  5 Listen to Maria talking about her relationship with her dad. Complete the dialogue with the missing words.Maria: Dad, I (1) jeans.Dad: But your old (2) OK. Maria: Yes, but (3) too long.Dad: Sorry, Maria. (4) money.Maria: Well, in that situation (5) new jeans! 6 Think of a job. Make up questions about the job using the clues below.1 where / work?2 how much / training / need?3 skills / have to learn?4 be/ well-paid?5 you / enjoy / do / this job? 7 Work in pairs. Ask each other and answer the questions you wrote in exercise 6. Change them into indirect questions starting with 'I'd like to know...,' 'Could you tell me...' or 'Do you know...'. I'd like to know where a teacher usually works.A teacher usually works at a school or university. Could you tell me...