1 1 Work in pairs. Describe the photo, then answer the questions.1 How are the people sitting on the bench feeling? Why do you think that? 2 Do you like to do things under pressure? Why?/Why not?3 Tell your partner about a time when you had too little time and had to rush around.  2 Read these common problems. Choose 0-3 for each one (0 if you never experience the problem, and 3 if you often experience it). Work in pairs and compare your answers.1 My parents want me to get down to my homework as soon as I'm back from school, but I prefer doing it later in the evening.2 There are lots of things I'd like to do for fun in my spare time, but I can't fit them in with all this school work.3 hang out with my friends most weekends but we never do anything interesting together.4 I was once ill for a few days and I fell behind at school. It took ages to catch up with the class.5 I usually put off revising until the night before an exam, and sometimes I run out of time.6 We haven't had a holiday for ages because my dad can't take time off work.7 I'm really looking forward to being on holiday - I'm desperate! I just need to hold on for a few more weeks.8 I'm not an expert in modern technology so it's hard for me to keep up with all the modern trends in smartphones.10 I sometimes get the feeling that time is slipping away too fast, especially when an important test is coming up. 3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the phrasal verbs in bold in exercise 2.1 If they can't come to the party in May, let's it… until April.2 Haven't you done the washing-up yet? When are you going to... doing it? 3 We didn't lose the game - we... time.4 The last episode isn't until Friday. I can't... that long!5 The expedition cannot start until the team leader manages to the whole month… work.6 There's nothing on at the cinema, so we could just... at the café.7 Monday afternoon seems the best time for our IT club. Most students can… it… with their schedule then.8 Oh, another test...! I won't have enough time to revise for it. 4 Put the words in the correct order to make questions. Then listen and check your answers.1 do / like / hanging / out / Who / with / you /?2 holiday / is / coming / is / up / that / What / the nearest /?3 are doing / forward / next holiday / looking / for the / to / What / you /? 4 always / do / for as long as possible/off/ put / What/you/?5 do / even when you are busy / fit/ in / to/ try / What / you/? 6 What / to / do / your / time / get / down / you / homework/? 5 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in exercise 4