1 Work in groups. Make a list of things your older relatives might say about the things if they were asked the question 'What advice would you give to young people?'dreams and ambitionshealthattitude to lifemoney and possessions relationships ork and free time 2 Listen to the advice of eight older people. How many of your ideas in exercise 1 did you hear? 3 Work in pairs. Can you remember the advice? Complete each sentence with no more than six words. Then listen again and check your answers.Speaker 1 There's no point worrying about… yet.Speaker 2 Don't accept anything without first… it.Speaker 3 You're going to say: 'I wish I had... myself.Speaker 4 Don't wake up and realise you haven't… doing.Speaker 5 Don't hold on to material… hold on to… instead.Speaker 6 If only someone had told me earlier not to prioritise… friends.Speaker 7 Brush… Speaker 8 Basically, my advice is:… 4 Work in pairs. Which is the best piece of advice? Why? 5 Listen to a man talking about various episodes in his life. Choose the correct answer to each question.1 Why did the man study medicine?a He wasn't accepted as a soldier.32b He decided on medicine at the end of high school. He had thought about it for a few years.2 How did his attitude to physical exercise change after he had gone to work?a He started training more than before.b He didn't train as much as he had trained before. c He gave up one sport but took up another one. 3 How did he meet his future wife?a They had a workshop together.b When he was on holiday with his family.c When he went out for a walk after a workshop. 4 What does he regret doing in the past?a moving to another cityb accusing his friend of things he hadn't done c not telling the truth about his friend5 Which is true about the man?a He used to be a quiet person as a young man. b He used to do some risky sports.c He gave up doing risky sports after an accident that had happened to him. 6 Listen again. Match the situations in the man's life (1-5) with the effect it had (a-e).1 He worked hard in high school.2 He didn't take care of his physical condition.3 He went for a walk in Prague.4 He didn't have the courage to say what he knew.5 He didn't do bungee-jumping or other dangerous sports.a He managed to do well in his medical studies. b He doesn't know the feeling of an adrenaline rush. c His friend lost his job and moved away.d He had problems with weight and blood pressure. e He met a girl, who later became his wife.  7 Work in groups and discuss.1 Make a list of six situations when young people do or say things they later regret. Think about situations related to school, family or friends.2 Why do people usually regret saying or doing the things? What are the consequences?3 Think about two important decisions that you had to make in your life. Why were they so important? What were their effects?