1 Read about frequent words in English. Which of the expressions with time do you already use?The most frequent words in EnglishEnglish has thousands of words but you don't need to know all of them! Some words are much more frequent than others. In fact, the 700 most frequent words make up about 70% of all the English you hear and read, and you already know many more than that. Here are some expressions with the word time, the 55th most common word:3/4/5 times a long time on timea full-time joba great timeall the timeonce upon a timein my spare time find the time 2 Work in pairs and explain the meaning of phrases in the box. Then use the expressions to complete the sentences.ahead of their timein timeat one time in two days' timefrom time to timeit's timeon timepass the time1 His designs were years… Even now, some of them seem advanced.2 I get strange messages from my brother… Does he send them to you sometimes, too?3 I hope the plane takes off .... I don't want to have to wait at the airport for hours.4 I want to get there... for the start of the show.  5 In the past, life at sea was extremely dangerous... sailors would be lucky to survive past the age of forty.6 While we waited for the train, we decided to… playing cards.7 It's my birthday… !8... to find out the results! Let's see who this year's winner is.   3 Work in pairs. Use expressions in exercise 2 to write five sentences that you think are true about your partner. Read your sentences to your partner. Were your sentences true?ahead of their timein timeat one time in two days' timefrom time to timeit's timeon timepass the time  4 Look at the photo and read the encyclopaedia entry and the biography quickly. What is the 'Longitude Problem' and how did John Harrison solve it?  5 Read the text. Match each paragraph (1-5) with the most appropriate heading (a–f). There is one heading that you do not need.a The real reasons for sea tragedies b Great solution appreciated at last c Long years of improving the clock d Fame and recognition for centuries e Encouraging people to find a solution f What the Longitude Problem is about  6  Find words and phrases in the article which mean the same as the expressions. 1 many times (box)2 at the same time (para 2) 3 before (para 2)4 in no time (para 2)5 stay accurate (para 2)6 at the time (para 4) 7 Work in pairs. Read the Critical thinking box. Then look at the statements below. Discuss whether you think they are true or false. Why do you think so?1 In 1707, four ships were lost and 1,500 sailors died because sailors lacked basic skills.2 The Board's Prize was Harrison's main motivation to develop his clocks.3 Harrison's clocks would be considered accurate today.  8 Discuss the questions about the Board of Longitude.1 What conclusions can you draw from the article about the Board of Longitude?2 What information do you have that helped you draw these conclusions?3 What information would you need to confirm your conclusions? 9 Work in groups. Make a list of History's Three Greatest Inventors. Find out more about each one and present them to the class. Explain why the people were the greatest. Take a class vote on the greatest of them all.